LumensFactory Seraph P7 - would you choose multi-level or single output?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 10, 2004
At World's End
I resurface after a long absence from CPF to find a stunning LED Turbohead for the M-series. Premium engineering at a not-so-premium price. Looks like I can't lose. Besides, LumensFactory makes the good stuff... they always have!

I've got an older M3 that no longer seems so bright to me, now that all these multi-core LEDs are running around. With apologies to the incan folks, my preference seems to have swung heavily to LEDs. (you guys will know I've done my share for the incan cause though :) )

Let's hear it from you owners.. and would you want the multi-level version vs the single level version? I can think of one advantage for the single level head being simplicity when things go bump in the night: you hit the tailcap and you always get max blast.

On the other hand, multilevel prevents the light from blinding me on nights when you need just a little bit less light. Yes, my TK40 is actually powerful enough to blind me from the splashback should I point it at something white. It's good stuff :D

So what would you choose, multi or single level, and why?
I have the second generation single level one. it's great, a good balance of flood and throw. The single level was the only one available when I purchased mine, but I would choose single level again - I like to keep things simple.

The only thing I would change is the anodizing, it is quite a few shades lighter than the Surefire HA, but I guess it is a small point.

When you get yours make sure that you remove the cells from the light before you install it. The contact springs are long and can short out if you just cram it on to a loaded battery tube.

I have used mine on an M4, M3, M6 and assorted Leef and other bodies and it has worked perfectly.

Hope this helps - Pete.
I grabbed one of the first generation single level heads
If I had to buy one again I would still buy the single level one.

I like a nice simple ui on my big bright lights.

I only really take the bigger lights out if I know I am going to need the reach.
My edc lights (SFA2, novatac 120p, SFT1A and SF 9p with oveready drop in) handle everything from dimmer than a mag solitaire out to around 50m of throw quite well, anthong past that and I reach for one of my big guns (M4, Ultrastinger or 5mega body with LF P7 head)
I got a second gen single mode.
IMHO the 3 mode circuit is not practical for bumps in the night. Not the "cycle through" style anyway.
The beam is a great combo of flood and throw. My jetbeam M1X really out throws the seraph by a lot but the seraph has a nice tint and novatac shape beam. This really make it good out side but also a great inside light. It really lights up the whole room without that distracting "splashback" many lights suffer from. A true wall of light!!

I like my Seraph P7 so much I got an FM Megalennium for it :)

There are some really good threads around with very nice comparison beamshots of the Seraph P7 and others such as the SF M6 etc.

I say get the single mode.
You already have the TK40 for multimodes.
I think your M3 body deserves a single mode upgrade to keep it inline with its original design purpose :) just my thoughts
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Cool....I think that settles it. I usually have a smaller variable power light on me anyway, for example the E1B Backup as my EDC, and there has always been a U2 around somewhere (that dial is truly a masterpiece) for the last five years.

If the Seraph would always come on at max blast first, that would be good, but as it is, looks like the single-stage 2nd gen for me :D
You will love it.
The Seraph is well made and has the nice heft of a quality device.


Just bought mine from Lighthound :D

Discount code 'cpf' just makes it so much sweeter, too. Can't wait for it to get here!! I haven't been using my M3 much, but I think it will have a whole new lease of life once this turbohead comes in.

I picked up an Oveready tailcap clickie to go with it too. The overengineered tailcap goes well with the over-the-top M-series too :)
I've always wanted one too and I found a 3 mode on the Marketplace for a good price. I know everyone prefers the single mode but since I already have a few Surefire single mode (incan & LED) lights, it was time for a multi mode M series head.
I've always wanted one too and I found a 3 mode on the Marketplace for a good price. I know everyone prefers the single mode but since I already have a few Surefire single mode (incan & LED) lights, it was time for a multi mode M series head.

Congratulations and you bring up a good point about having a useful mix of both single and multimode lights. IMy TK40 is filling the role of multi-level quad core :)
I just bought one, single level. Really, it depends on what you think you'll use it for.

For myself, I couldn't imagine a situation where this light was my only light. And the reason I got this light was to throw tons of lumens down range. So on a number of levels it didn't make sense for me to choose a multi-level light, with the insanely annoying (to me) characteristic of changing levels every time I re-pushed the button.
I brought one when they first came out. They do produce a lot of lumens
sometimes a bit too much for the job at hand.

I would happily trade my single mode for a multi-mode version
Hmm, the cards of Fate sometimes come into play :p

Lighthound ran out of stock of the single-mode unit despite it being posted as available on their website, but they offered me the multimode version. Since I'm REALLY REALLY keen on having this light (I want it NOWWWWWWWWWW!!! :hairpull:) looks like I will end up with the MM version :p

Oh well, decision's been made, let's find out what this light is made of!
Oh well you could always pick up a single speed in the market place later.

Also LumensFactory also sell directly and their shipping is very reasonable...even overseas.

I'm sure you will still like the MM........not sure what the time delay is but you have to push the button quite fast to change modes and it has memory.
Thanks :) the memory thing is how I plan to deal with it, because the TK40 memorizes my last known level too. I plan to always leave the light on high and dial down as needed. Who knows, if it works out like my TK40 it may not even be an issue.
I also got one of the 1st gen. single level P7 heads. I use a Z58 clicky with an AW 3level softstart switch. I would rather have it start with high but it´s not that important to me anyway (I know the AW switch remembers the last mode but since I unscrew the switch slightly to prevent drain it resets everytime I put it back into it´s case).

I prefer the single mode simply because if I'm in a situation where I ever have to use it, it's a situation that requires that much light. If I need less i put it away and use one my "less luminous" lights.
I just ordered a 3 Mode version. It is a gift for my mother to help make her M3 both more useful and economical to operate. She isn't a flashhaholic but appreciates a bright light. She often takes the dog out at night and it is my hope that she'll be able to use this on say 30% for substantially longer than an M10 at the same relative brightness. It should also open up rechargeable options later. I'm thinking if she likes the performance of the head then two sets of LiFePO4s.
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I just ordered a 3 Mode version. It is a gift for my mother to help make her M3 both more useful and economical to operate. She isn't a flashhaholic but appreciates a bright light. She often takes the dog out at night and it is my hope that she'll be able to use this on say 30% for substantially longer than an M10 at the same relative brightness. It should also open up rechargeable options later. I'm thinking if she likes the performance of the head then two sets of LiFePO4s.


You don't even need LiFE. AW protected 17500's have higher energy density, I just charged mine in anticipation of the P7 getting here.

Now WHY DOES MAIL TAKE SO LONG to arrive!!!!!! :mad::mad::mad: every day I wait for that P7 feels like forever!

BTW, you'd be surprised that moms appreciate BRIGHT lights. They are tremendously practical people, and lights are part of that. :)

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