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May 1, 2002

Great photos and nice write up. :thumbsup: If I may, I took a couple pics of the light myself because it is certainly a one off and here's one of them:


A point of clarification, both the red and yellow 3mm LED's used here are samples provided by Seoul. I had experimented with the red LED's already and really liked the wide viewing angle with no artifact to speak of. The yellow LED's are also of a wide viewing angle and not artifacty.

The Seoul 3mm package has a much taller flange of large diameter at the base of the LED, relative to the Nichia and this causes the LED to sit back, further from the front of the reflector. This is OK in the LunaSol 27 but would be problematic if not viable at all, in the LunaSol 20.

It will be interesting to see what Souptree's take is on this package out in the field. I would guess that the majority of us don't get out in quality dark long enough to be able to appreciate what a light like this might have to offer. :thinking: :shrug:

In terms of cosmetics, my interest in anodized titanium was satisfied and saturated long before I started messing with flashlights and for the most part, I personally don't care for it. I must say though that I really like the pattern and effect that Peter has accomplished with his techniques. Another point of clarification is that this is the second LunaSol 27 which Peter has anodized. I believe his blog images were of an earlier unit that is owned by one of the community and not this one. I could be wrong though.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 24, 2005
Wow, thank you very much everybody!! There are some genuinely warm comments here. It's nice how if you hang out here long enough, it really starts feeling like a community. :grouphug:

This is NOT the light shown on Peter's blog, although I did first ask Peter about anodizing a light for me many months before that light was made. I do know who owns the blogged light as well, and I am sorry to report he wouldn't trade it to me!! :mecry: I do intend to keep trying (forever!), although I don't expect that my getting this light will help my cause much in that quest! :thinking: :poof:

So now there are at least two Atwoodized LS-27s and at least one PD-S that I know of out there in the wild. I've never asked Peter how many of Don's lights he has ano'd, but maybe I should.

In any event, you can bet that, God willing, a year or two from now this light will be my most used (albeit probably not most carried) Atwood ever!!! I know it will come as sacrilege to some, but this light has been a user from the day I got it and I expect it will probably show it at some point. I do have some Atwoods I would never think of bringing near granite, but this isn't one of them. I do NOT have any flashlights I would not bring near granite. I do not like to think of this light kissing granite, but I am accepting it as inevitable from the outset and while I will cry on the inside when it happens, I know it's better to use it and have that experience of using it. Plus, it was offered and built by Don to be a user. Peter's participation (and Don's willingness to allow Peter's participation) was a huge bonus, but it would have been built (and used) either way. Say "Peter's participation" 10 times fast, I dare you. :nana: If any of you ever catches me with a McGizmo light I won't use, please, I beg of you, beat me unconscious with it.

Robb, the holsters are textured brown cowhide. They came out exactly the way I was hoping they would. I do recommend you guys hit up Matt for the 4 way belt loops too. They came out PERFECTLY. These will not be my last holsters from Matt. Wait until you see this light in person. You will be blown away.

I will try to get some trail pics for you guys, but I have found my low light photos generally come out very poorly (check out that orange trit photo! :sick2:). Maybe some of you photographers that rely on more than just luck with automatic settings can give me some tips! I am certainly willing to make the effort if I can just bring my skills up a bit.

"Quality dark" has to be the single greatest phrase I have ever read in all the hours I have spent on CPF. When people who will never really understand anyway start asking me why I do what I do, I'm going to start telling them I'm looking for Quality Dark. That's my horse, you know. He keeps walking away from the road. :knight:


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 14, 2005
Orange County
Quality dark is hard to come by in these parts. I've often hunted for it while trying to photograph meteor showers, and upon settling on an area that I thought quality dark existed, a few minutes out in it revealed otherwise. I may have only truely experienced it once in my life, and for a very short time.

Its definitely a good thing that this light will be a user. At first I got a little nervous with my sundrop (being my first all-ti McG light) but now that its got some scratches its all good. Every well used tool should have some "scratch patina" present.

That blue piston really makes me miss my PD. One of these days I'll have to hunt down an aluminum pd again for my main edc.

Thanks for the leather info, really digging it.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 14, 2007
Speechless! (almost:cool:)

Great write up Soup' and a light that you deserve given the obvious consideration that went behind it.

Applause all round to all who contributed.:thumbsup: All hail the deadly LunaSoup Tropical Yellow mAmba.
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Mar 26, 2004
La Tiquicia
I do not like to think of this light kissing granite, but I am accepting it as inevitable from the outset and while I will cry on the inside when it happens, I know it's better to use it and have that experience of using it. Plus, it was offered and built by Don to be a user.
That's the spirit!! It's exactly how I feel about some of my most special lights (a CR2 from Larry, and the PD-S that Don gifted me, for example). Larry's light has kissed concrete a couple of times, and my PD's seen a couple of falls too. Considering how much I use those lights, it's amazing they're barely scratched. A testament to quality builds, that's for sure!! :thumbsup:

Use'm hard and continue to post pics of them in the wild, Soup!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 27, 2006
Tampa, FL
Congratulations Souptree! What a light. Well deserved, too. Bravo.:thumbsup:

I concur about orange light when on trails and the backwoods at night. It has been a spell now since I was last out in the hills at night (life sometimes gets in the way).

The LS27 is such a well balanced light for this type of application. When I was honored to be part of the LS27 passaround a few months ago I took it out for a few walks and a quick night hike. The soft, diffuse light of the ring was great for illuminating the path ahead. The throw of the primary LED was perfect for long distance lighting. It was something akin to having two lights in one.

That's a light that will last a lifetime, a stunning light worthy of being an heirloom.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 5, 2003
Melbourne, Australia
I believe the word is Amber.

Congrats man, your light is a product of two most skilled and reputable person in this world.
Use the light all you like but keep it safe for future childrens of cpf.
It's definitely more than just a tool now. :D
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 15, 2007
That is definitely a beautiful light. :thumbsup:
I think that using red/yellow/amber in the Lunasol is a superb idea.


Newly Enlightened
Feb 3, 2008
Ian, I really enjoyed your write up. The light turned out amazing and what a neat story. I think Don and Peter are two of the most cool, kind and talented people around (I have yet to work with Matt, but I'm sure he is awesome also). I love their work! Thanks for sharing the story and pictures with us.



Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 24, 2005
Souptree you are one lucky mofo.

Yes, I am very lucky and I am very blessed. Sometimes it is not so easy to tell the two apart, but it is clear I had both in abundance on this one!!! In any event, I do not take it for granted and I definitely do realize how special it is. :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow:

This light is not amber. I do have an amber light, albeit not a flashlight. This one is definitely orange. Very much distinct from amber. At some point, I would like to have Scott/milky make me an amber ML1. I have been pondering that for quite some time, actually. Really, ever since I first used the orange A2, I started wondering how amber would compare in the night vision vs. eyestrain vs. good rendering battles on trail. If I ever do get my hands on an amber ML1, I will try to get some decent outdoor comparison shots for you. Maybe I can team up with a real photographer in some Quality Dark sometime. :whistle: If I can find him. He keeps walking away from the road!! :ohgeez: :duh2:

I do agree that an amber LunaSol is a pretty spiffy idea!! That would be an interesting comparison!!

I am still hopeful that one day a few of those LS27 reflectors will make their escape from Gizmo Laboratories.... if you think this is my last idea for this awesome reflector, you are crazy!! :wave: :devil:

Thank you once again for all of the extremely kind comments. As I look over the posters in this thread, I realize I have traded info privately or traded lights with half or more of you. Several of you I have met in person and developed friendships with. Amazing!! I am so glad I stopped lurking and became a participatory member here on CPF and especially in Forum (Area) 51, which is clearly the heart and soul of CPF, at least the way I see it.