Luxeon headlight

$39.95?? Wow, the Wal-Mart in Yukon, OK has that exact same headlamp (known as the Rayovac Sportsman Extreme) for $18.83.
Back to your original question - it does appear to be the same as the WalMart ROV and it's a very nice headlight for the money.
Here is what I posted on another thread about the difference between the Walmart one and the XP.

Hey guys so question for y'all with this light.

I want a new light for duck hunting, I'd say it would get used a max of 45 minutes two to three times a week. Would it be best to get this (ROV) and burn through more batteries or get the Petzl TacTikka XP which should give me more run time but it costs about $40 from Amazon?


Let me add that we use the light when mainly putting out decoys and getting setup in the blind, NOT to navigate the boat or ATV, so the diffusion on the Lux. is really appealing, but then when in the blind, the blue (wish it was white) LED would be used so its not over bright. Another point where I am leaning towards teh XP with the low setting on diffusion for digging in my blind bag, etc.
The Browning is slightly different than the Ray-O-Vac. The Browning has red, green and blue 5mm LEDs while the ROV has 2 red and 1 blue.

Unless you really need green, go with the ROV. It's an amazing headlamp for the money. Use Energizer non-rechargable lithiums in it and runtime goes from 2 or 2.5 hrs to about 4, if memory serves me right.

Personally, I'd probably spend the extra bucks for your situation. Green LED's are awesome for low light outdoor use. I have a Gerber Meridian headlamp with a 5mm green and it's amazing how much you can see with it. The blue LED will not be nearly as useful when working outdoors. Our eyes are most sensitive to green light plus nature is full of green.
The ROV does burn through a Sanyo Eneloop NiMh pretty quickly. I do good to get 2 hours runtime. Going to try the Energizer L91 Lithium AA for a upcoming backpacking trip and hoping it will about double the runtime.
Another advantage: The Tikka XP can be easily modded with a Seoul LED (nearly twice the brightness, same runtime), I don't if that's so easy with the Rayovac?
most any flashlight using 3 AAAs is not worth the money
(short runtime or dim output)

get a Streamlight Argo HP and use it with an 17650 Li-Ion cell + a charger
(can also be modded with a Seoul with ease, in case)