Luxeon Star and Stingmon


Aug 4, 2001
hey stingmon, could you post beamshots of the colored LS's blue, blue-green, amber, and red?
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by LED_freak:
hey stingmon, could you post beamshots of the colored LS's blue, blue-green, amber, and red?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I don't have any of those in the /O version (with optics). My red & amber are newer, and project a very wide, even beam (beyond the image frame of my camera), and my blue & blue-green are very old 1998 prototypes and would produce invalid results, but still give very wide even beams.

I suspect you're looking for the kind that are going in the Arc LS, and I don't have any of those except for a single white unit. A picture of that one (at 200mA) compared to a LW4000 flashlight is on my Luxeon Star page.

Somebody who has Luxeon Star /O models will have to get the rest of the pictures for you, sorry.
Stingmon on your website you said these LS are rated 18-23 lumens which means they are brighter than an E1 and much better run time. Is this correct?
Just checked your battery test gragh and the LS gets a good 3 to 3 1/2hrs runtime on one 123. A quick clarification please what do the vertical numbers on the left side of the graft represent? Thanks for the info.
No, I a not looking for the optics version, i was hoping u could post some of the pics of the beamshots of all the LS's u have
5BY5, the Arc LS and the E1 are close in lumens. I would guess the E1 is 15 and the LS is about 12. The big differnce is the beam size. The E1 is very tight, while the LS has a much larger beam size and much smoother. As usual with LED's the LS is much "whiter" in color then the E1. I would have to agree that the LS is more effecient since it is close in brightness and runs 3 times longer. If you drop the LS it will be fine and the E1 might blow a lamp, or over time the E1 lamp will burn out anyway.
Brock thanks for the feedback. I am definitely getting the E2e when it comes out and figured I would get the LS to supplement it. This way I could use relatively fresh batteries in the E2e and then swap them into to the LS to drain them dry and not have to worry about side effects to the bulb. My only dilemma at this point is my next two light purchases don't yet exist.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by LED_freak:
No, I a not looking for the optics version, i was hoping u could post some of the pics of the beamshots of all the LS's u have<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well, OK... but the pictures won't be that telling, as some of my LS LEDs are early prototypes from 1998, some were made just a few months ago, and the rest were made in late 1999 to mid 2000.

Newer versions could be 3-10 times as bright as the earliest versions (the ones I have). So don't make any brightness judgements from my pictures; they're only utility will be to see the physical beam distribution, nothing more.

The hunt is now on. I have both of my whites (2000), and my Lambertian red & amber (only a few months old) on hand now and will have to search for the others. If I don't get sidetracked during the day, I should have a picture mosaic available later on.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Brock:
5BY5, the Arc LS and the E1 are close in lumens. I would guess the E1 is 15 and the LS is about 12. The big differnce is the beam size. The E1 is very tight, while the LS has a much larger beam size and much smoother. As usual with LED's the LS is much "whiter" in color then the E1. I would have to agree that the LS is more effecient since it is close in brightness and runs 3 times longer. If you drop the LS it will be fine and the E1 might blow a lamp, or over time the E1 lamp will burn out anyway.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Hi Brock,

If the LS (white) is 12 lumens and the E1 is 15 lumens. How do you think the LS (cyan) would compare against the LS (white) and E1 ?


Stingmon, I wouldn't bother looking up your LS's and posting pics because Peter has just posted some great beam shot pics of all the colored LS's in the ARC thread under Manufacturers.
I bet the cyan would be brighter overall then the E1, I know Peter has an E1 to compare