M20 Warrior, JettBeam III M, Fenix TK11 My first buy????


Newly Enlightened
Nov 2, 2009
Hello all this is my first post.:thinking: There is some great posts hear by some great people I see:twothumbs.

I am stuck:mecry: on these three lights for my first LED purchase.

Fenix TK11

Olight M20 Warrior

Jet-III Military

I am looking for a light in these type/size/price. I want the one that is the best overall quality/build/brightness.:D

#1 Which one do you all recommend?

#2 Which one will do the best job of blinding :sick2: the "Boogy man" in the middle of the night? Do these have the lumen power I really want or can do a good job of what I want it to do? 500 +/- Lumens :eek: would be great or do I really need that much? Do these lights offer enough?

#3 Other makes/model of lights in this size you recommend for what I want?

#4 What company makes the best batteries or battery/charger combo for these type of lights? What is the best battery for what I want and the lights I am looking for?

I know nothing :thinking:, and am looking and listening like a sponge:bow: to learn about this new addiction. Can anybody help me please? :anyone:

Thanks you all for any help.

From Tony in Meridian, Idaho:wave:
M21 Warrior. I don't know if anything else needs to be said?

Any good lights in this catagory or close to it?? that are in the $50+/- range??

I'd go for the Jetbeam Jet III M because of the smaller size.

As for blinding an attacker, it will depend partially on the output, but mostly on the attacker. If an attacker wanted to get to you, even a searchlight won't deter him. In that situation, make sure you know some defense moves. A flashlight should only be a tool in your defense, not the only thing to defend you.

I'd suggest getting AW's batteries and a charger. They are good batteries with a good reputation.

As for other lights at a cheaper price, what batteries do you want to run it on? The lights on this page might interest you. "cpfuser" for 6% off if you buy there.

all 3 are great lights, in a dark environment they will all be bright enough to temporarily disorient the bogey man.
Is the difference between 500 lumens and 220 or whatever amount of lumens the M20 has very noticiable?

I would highly recommend waiting for the Olight M21, it looks like its gonna be a amazing little light with a huge punch.
I agree. The M21 will be the first "fix" to my new found addicition.

I don't know if it's just me?? but there is something inspiring :huh:,
primative :duh2:, exciting:popcorn: and powerful :devil: going on when you hold and turn on a very bright, well constructed and cool looking flashlight.

What is that? anybody care to elaberate?:rock:
I have TK10 and M20 throws ALOT farther. Beam on the TK10 is better on walls though. I don't have a TK 11, sorry.

I will probably get a M21 assuming it will have at least as much throw as the M20.
I was on the wall whether to buy the m20 or the fenix tk11 (but of course I want the tk40 or the m30 :D) ive never bought a LED flashlight before but a friend had a 80 lumen one that blew my maglite 4D outa the water

Now I hear of the m21, what is this goign to retail for? I was ready to buy the m20 holiday pack that includes a mini 80 light for 99 bucks, but now I am unsure!

m21 500 lumens same great design for how much ??
or the m21 250 lumens for 70 or 99 with the mini 80 lumen light
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not sure about the M21, but i did have the M20 Ti and it really wasn't a thrower, but it did offer a wall of light.
At a distance (20 metres+?), you almost can't tell the spot from the spill in real life use. (yes, real life use and not wall hunting)
Depends how much you'd wanna spend, are you willing to lay down over $100 on your first go? If not, read further.

In terms of brightness, I think the M20 and TK11 does have an edge over the Jet-III M, but you won't notice the difference unless you're a light box. Take note M20 and TK11 is a bit more throwy though, so brighter hot spot doesn't mean its really brighter.
But I do think the Jet-III M has great built, arguably better than the other two, and it provides much greater versatility due to its programmable ability.
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All three of these lights will put out generally around the same amount of light, with slight variations. Also, all three are made by reputable manufacturers, with good warranties. The only real decision you need to make is which UI you prefer (user interface). That being said... wait for the M21 :naughty:. The larger emitter will produce a much more usable general light. Throwers are showers, floody lights get the job done, but that applies mostly to my close quarters usage, your mileage may vary.
Thanks for the info please keep it coming. I am learning alot very fast.
Sorry to bring another light into the mix, but did you check out the jetbeam rrt-1?

It has a much larger reflector, I haven´t seen it in real life just videos, but throws the beam much better. Anyone have this light and care to comment? Thanks!!:twothumbs:twothumbs