M3T M.I.A.

signal 13

Jun 28, 2008
I gave my girlfriend, who is also a LEO, a M3T (w/ Z48 tailcap, bored body w/ 18500s, and MN16) for use on duty.

She left it somewhere...patrol vehicle...sector...who knows... and it's GONE!!!

$400 down the drain.

I'm not happy right now.
Not everyone appreciates a fine light. She will miss the M3T when you give her a Maglite with a Malkoff module :)
To me that has always been the coolest looking Sure Fire, ya don't even have to turn it on.... the thing is awesome just sitting there.

Loosing it has got to hurt, and yes I feel bad for you. :ohgeez:

Tell her she needs to replace it, after all it is the right thing to do.
