M61N Cree XPG2 4000k


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 5, 2006
Palm Springs, CA, Beverly Hills, CA, Washington, D
I have one, and I left it in our Beverly Hills home, and I located it the other day after a few years. What a great light this is!

I have it in a SF G2 with a DS clip, and Tom Anderson Ti. Bead. I forget when these were available?

Anyone have one?


Although out of stock on Malkoffs site now, these have been a pretty standard offering for the last 2 years or more, along with the L and LL variants.
Oveready would commision these in batches a few years back too.
I have two

One in a Malkoff md2

And a L variant in a 6p

Love them

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Yep, they've been available for quite a few years. I've got an LLL, a couple LLs, three Ls, a bunch of standards, and one SHO.

A quick look at my Oveready account shows that I bought the first one in late November of 2012, when they were first introduced.
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I dropped by illumn today and they said an mdc head in their 219b was in the works. Another great neutral option
I dropped by illumn today and they said an mdc head in their 219b was in the works. Another great neutral option

Way to many things seem to be popping up that's going to be taking my money..

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" Beverly Hills " !!

Well well. I here that's a nice neighborhood🤔😁
I confess that I once owned exactly one of the 4000K (OR) Malkoff neutrals; was definitely not for me & one of my very few catch & releases. Just too similar to yellow Warms. :-/

Here is a beamshot I did in a white bathroom; you can see the Malkoff 4000K on the right;


The light on the left is a rare first-run 5000K M61 "W"
The center light is a modded SF U2 with a 4000K XML-EZW.

If that XML-EZW in the center pushes 4000K (it does look warmer to my eye than my 5000K Malkoffs), I really don't know what to say about the 4000K Malkoff builds ...
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