Machining Project


Newly Enlightened
Apr 12, 2008
Fremont, NE
This is an awesome source for Machining tips and Information, this is not a flashlight related so if it is out of line feel free to delete.

This is the project:

This is a Pin for a Seat Bracket for a Kawasaki Motorcycle.

It is machined from 1/2" 304 Stainless Steel bar

Started by cutting the blanks in the saw,(no Pic sorry)
I then put the blanks in the collet of the lathe:


I then faced the end of the pin square:


after the facing cut I Zeroed the DRO and moved in the required distance for the stepped end and plunged a small groove as a visual indicator of how far to travel to rough the end down:


I roughed out the step and then moved the tool to the finished step dimension and plunged in to the finished diameter and made the finish pass:


I filled the burrs and removed the piece from the collet:


Next comes the Bullet Point end, I turned the compound to the required angle, Faced the part to length(had a collet stop in the collet) reversed the spindle and cut the taper off the back of the part, filled the burrs and here is the result:

Next was machining the notch, I purchased a 45 degree milling cutter and had the required flat ground on the cutter. Placed the pin blank in a collet in a collet block and cut the notch:


another view of the finished notch:

the notch is cut in a single pass, Ran out of time and could not finish the notches, will set up the EZ-Trak to finish the cuts.

Thanks for looking,


Thanks for sharing. Even though it isn't a flashlight it is helpfull for newbies to machining (like me) to see different tasks being performed with various tooling. Never know when I may need to do one or more of those milling ops.
First, let me say Welcome.

Looks like your project is a winner. Does the stud bolt or weld to the frame? I'm assuming that the seat snaps onto the stud.

The 45 degree cutter is not one I would have thought of using. I'd probably have ruined a dovetail cutter instead :) Is that a shell mill?

Thanks for sharing.

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Awesome project. I absolutely love seeing the holding setups and techniques. I learn so much by just looking at those kind of pictures. Thanks for sharing :D

Thanks for the comments Guys,


the 45 degree cutter was recommended to me by a toolmaker, there is not enough pin to hold on to to flip it over and use a dovetail cutter, I was going to try to have a standard end mill custom ground to make the cut until it was suggested to use the angle cutter. And yes it is a shell mill, I need to shorten it because there is almost zero clearance between the arbor cap and the collet when the cut is at full depth. the Pin gets welded into a plate that gets bolted to the seat and the notches hold the seat onto the bike. Here is the finished Product:

Again thanks for the comments.
Welcome to CPF Jason.
Good job on the pin!

I especially like the collet block - miracle that the pin doesn't spin when being cut!

I usually use a chuck for stuff like that but would need to leave the smaller diameter a bit longer for extra grip,and chop the extra length off later.
Actually -what i'd do is leave the length enough to do 2 pieces,turn your bullet ends,do the milling with a chuck,then cut the length in half and finish the smaller diameter.
Of course you'd need a and chuck handy if you did that yourself.

Is the bottom of the collet threaded and you have a draw bolt underneath?

Thanks for sharing :)
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