MAg 1150 batterypacks?


Newly Enlightened
Sep 18, 2006
I am looking to buy a new MAG 1150 battery pack? THe one I have has 6 CBP 2500's in a triangle configuration, unfortunatly it has started to leak. Are there any better options available? If I were to order one from would it have the metal end caps on it? I have tried the search function but did not find the info i need. Thanks in advance.
Hi Pyle-IT
I am thinking of getting some of those CBP A 2500s for a ROP. Are yours well used or need replacing due to failure. Just wondering if they were good before I decide on them. Oh, and what is a mag 1150? Sorry I cant be of assistance, but il be watching for the advice coming in.

They have been great batteries so far. actually they still work great just starting to corrode on the ends. I dont know how old they are because i got them with the mag 1150 used. Here is the info on the mag 1150.
Thanks for the link Don,, basically exactly what im looking at, just different form factor.. Still debating my battery choice as im trying to think ahead to the next project:)
depusm12 said:
+1 Mad Maxabeam is awesome with battery packs I got 2 3D sized packs for my SL20X-11.

+2 He is definitly the man with battery packs. Beautiful work!