Mag 4D options - 4D lithiums = 14.4v???


Sep 4, 2004
I have an old 4D mag that's been converted to a ROP high a while back when the 6 subc was pretty much the only way it was done... I have since made a 2 1/3D rop that I go to much more frequently due to it's size and equivalent output/ runtime...

I have been contemplating running 4 of those protected D cell lithiums kaidomain has with an appropriate 14v bipin bulb, to give myself a reason to reach for the 4D instead of it's smaller version...

-What 14v bulbs should I look at? 2k-3k lumen?

-I only have a DSD charger, I would rather not purchase any more chargers, will it be possible to charge these cells with the charger? (I realize it would take a while)

-Would I be able to get away without running a softstart driver? Trying to keep it simple...

I'm really hoping I can get away without spending too much cash on this... let me here anything you have to say on the topic

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