mag mod???


Jul 13, 2008
Buffalo, New York
I have been thinking about getting the terralux TLE-300M for my 4D mag. but I was wondering if it's possible to put it into a 2D mag? Like by putting different batts in or soemething. let me hear you thoughts... has this been done before??

You could get a 2D/6AA battery holder. If you used Ni-MH rechargeables it would work probably really well.
nevarmind I found some at will these ones work? and also I'm thinking of the sanyo eneloops from the same place: are these batteries any good? I've heard good things about them but I'm a noobwhen it comes toelectronics:sssh:... Does anyone know where I can get a charger for these batteries?(possibly even to charge all six at once?)

once again,
thanks for all the help!!!:twothumbs

hope my questions aren't too wordy
You should be able to find eneloops in you area. I don't think I've been to Buffalo before but you should have electronic store who sell eneloops.

The KD 3AA to D battery things aren't suitable for high current applications. I don't know how much the TL-300 pulls though so they might work.

Check here
for other Maglite Mods and drop-ins.
Those Kai 3xAA adapters are junk, don't buy them. Their price on the Eneloops there is also bad. Almost surely you can find a better deal on cells locally, or on another vendor such as Thomas Distributing.

mdocod makes some affordable but quality 6xAA to 2D adapters.
Get an 8AA - 2D Modamag battery holder from the Sandwich Shoppe.

11.2'ish volts with fresh charged batteries.
The 8AA/2D adapter requires a quad bore on the light, so that may not be quite as feasible, the 6AA/2D doesn't require any modification of the light. You can get a Maha charger that can charge up to 8 AAs at one time, but they aren't the cheapest chargers, but they are very good.

Thomas distributing carries both the batteries and the chargers.
are the Maha batteries any good? and their charger works with eneloops right?(if the Maha batts aren't any good)

Thanks for the help!!!!
And also would I be able to run primary(non rechargeable) AA's in the 6AA adapter in case of a power outage or something?

I don't see why you couldn't run 6AA Alkalines, that module is supposed to be able to run in a 6D which would be the same, except for runtime.

The Maha Imedion batteries are decent, do a few searches on them on CPF, they have some reviews, they do some things better than Eneloops, others not as much. I think it's a toss up, but either way I think your fine.

The Maha chargers come highly recommended, but you can also get a pack charger from Batteryspace (, that would allow you to charge the batteries in the holder without having to remove them. But the nice thing about the Maha is the conditioning ability, and of course single cell charging. It is more expensive than the pack charger option though.
Just another question... does this light have a name?(ex:mag85...)i know it's NOT mag85 but is there something to call a light like this instead of saying,"2D mag with tle300m and 6AA adapter..."?

thanks to everyone who responded so far!!! big help!:twothumbs:thumbsup:
The 1200 mAh battery has less then half the capacity of the 2700 mAh battery. Even a high discharge battery is 1700 mAh(able to put out LOTs of current, much more then most before sagging in voltage).

What batteries are you thinking about(brand wise)?

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