Mag not making led drop ins?


Newly Enlightened
Sep 11, 2007
I work for a facility that uses about 25 2D Maglites, most of which have been upgraded with the Mag led drop ins. I went to Orchard Supply, Lowes, etc. on Friday looking to buy a few more and was told they were no longer carrying them. I called Mag today and they said they were no longer being manufactured. I asked if they were being replaced by an upgraded model, as I have been following the thread about the new non replaceable rebel 60's. They stated they did not know but did mention that I was not the only person that had called to say they were unhappy. Interesting. Wonder what the game plan is?
Maybe they produced them for the transition period when they began making Mag LED's, for the people who didn't want to buy a whole new Mag. Also they might not sell so well due to other manufacturers making cheaper or better dropins.
Luckily there are a number of other dropins which are as good or better for the same price, or better.
This plays straight into a question that I was going to ask: what is the brightest drop-in I can order (no modding required on my part) for my 4D Maglite?
I was just at Target and they had some 2D MagLEDs with the Rebel emitters, but no upgrade modules.
To simply answer your question, Malkoff seems to be the most regarded and popular, but you need to mod the reflector, so i guess it's a no-no for you... So the next popular one would be the drop-ins from Terralux, no mods needed, just screw in.

As Marduke said check the stickies... but here is a shortcut:

Whoa... this must mean... no more drop in's only the whole redesigned LED flashlight?
No more long run time drop in modules in the new lights? Ha. They can keep this new Maglite...
This plays straight into a question that I was going to ask: what is the brightest drop-in I can order (no modding required on my part) for my 4D Maglite?

For the price, the TerraLUX TLE-300M.

What I like about it is it can use just 4 plain alkaline D cells.

I do not own one, but have been considering buying one. I do have an Electrolumens tri dropin that uses 3 alkaline D cells.

You would have to ask yourself if you really don't mind carrying around a 4 cell Maglite. For the price of the dropin there are much smaller lights that are very bright.
For the price, the TerraLUX TLE-300M.

What I like about it is it can use just 4 plain alkaline D cells.

I do not own one, but have been considering buying one.

I've got one.

Overall, I can't recommend it.

The drop-in does not screw down nearly far enough. Drop the light, and the drop-in is likely to pop out of place. (Even a slight bump is all it takes). Not as though the head pops off or the lens pops out. But the drop-in needs to be screwed back down. And it's a pain in the neck to do so. Not as though you can just unscrew the head, grip the drop-in, screw it back down, and re-attach the head.

You've got to unscrew the bezel-ring, then use the tips of your fingers to screw the drop-in back down; being careful not to have the lens fall out.

Mine works, but isn't dependable for the reason mentioned above.