Mag ROP charging via tailcap


May 10, 2006
OK you'll have to bear with my while I try and explain this.

I've got a Fivemega 6AA>2D battery pack and I would like to modify the tail cap so that when I screw it back on the charging end of the battery pack sticks out of the tail cap so I'ts much easyer to charge?

Does any of that make sense? :thinking:
Although it can be a little difficult to get the charging plug into the jack, it is possible to do without modifying the battery pack. I tried this before and gave it up because I didn't like the open access on the rear of the light. I just drilled a hole in the tailcap, 3/8" IIRC. The compressed spring on the inside acts as a guide of sorts to direct the plug into the jack. The difficulty comes in forcing the plug down into the jack. Since the plug will be completely down inside the light, you have to push against the wire to force the plug into the jack. I used a couple layers of heat shrink to stiffen the end of the wire enough to work. Also, I bought a couple plugs from the hardware store (the kind used to seal the open end of furniture tubing) to try to dress up the open hole in the tailcap. This did improve the appearance, but when the plug was firm enough to not fall out, it was too difficult to remove for charging.
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Thanks Don, I was thinking of using a laithe (my neighbour has one) and modifying the tailcap a bit too, possibly boring it out a little so the female charging socket sticks out a little bit when the tailcap is on.

I would probably have to raise the battery pack a little I think.
I'm not sure I understand since all of the FM lights I bought with charging tail plug on battery holder matched the tailcap hole. Was this a pack with charging plug for a custom setup? I'm trying to picture what you and Don are saying.
LL: On FM's completed lights, he usually has the charging jack extending through the tailcap. If you look closely at the battery packs on these lights, like the one in this thread, you'll see that the charging jack is on an extended post to make it reach the surface of the tailcap. However, on FM's "generic" battery holders the jack is directly on the end of the pack and will sit below the surface of the tailcap so it can be used in a stock light.

MAD1: If you have access to a lathe, you may be able to make an extension to move the charging jack up to the tailcap's surface. The charging jack just screws in, it is not soldered to anything. The center pin of the charging jack just presses against the end of the center rod of the pack. An extension of the correct length with the proper male and female threads on each end, an insulated spacer, and then a center conducter pin should work. You should be able to unscrew the jack, insert the new adapter in the pack, and then just screw the jack back into the extension.

The side jack in a 2c works really nicely...


HI guys, thinking about something similar. Question.. My AAs get hot when charged at 1hour rate, is this a bad thing for a sealed tube/pipe bomb. I know its not lithium, but just wondering any issues from the experienced.

Hmm thats a good point actually. I'm sure it wouldnt be too bad as Aluminium is a good at transfering heat, so after you charge the batteries just wait 15mins before useage for the light to cool down.
I'm a little late to post but I'll throw this out anyway.

Instead of moving the socket to the end, it's pretty painless to make an extra long plastic sleeve for the plug to replace the standard 3/4 inch long one. Just drill and tap a piece of plastic tube to match the existing shell. You may need to cut the wires and reconnect them.

If you can't envision it, look at for a representative sample of a power plug. The sleeve unscrews to get to the terminals. It's just a hollow tube that is threaded on one end.
