mag625 instaflash and other hotwire issues


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 7, 2006
I just bought a mag625 from another CPF member apparently it was built by mad maxabeam. This uses a 13.2V 1400mah 2/3A 11 cell pack. I rested the pack overnight before running the 64625 bulb. It lit up for about 3 seconds and then :poof:. OK so I let the battery run down for about a minute using a different bulb then tried 64625 bulb #2. 3 seconds of bright light then :poof:. No more bulbs left.

I read on the forums that this setup should be OK so what am I doing wrong? These were genuine Osram 64625 bulbs and I made sure that I didn't touch them with my bare hands.
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Re: mag625 instaflash

The label says: 13.2V 1400mah. I measured the voltage of the pack hot off the charger to be around 15.8-15.9V which is roughly 1.44V per cell. This exactly what it should be. It reduces a bit after resting.

The light was originally made by Mad Maxabeam, so I think the switch has been modded to reduce the resistance but I've read that this should still be OK if the pack has been rested. I seem to remember reading about another CPFer having a similar problem though.

Is it possible that Osram have changed the spec of their 64625?

Are there different models of 64625? The print on the bulb reads:

HLX 64625
12V 100W
GER | 748
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Re: mag625 instaflash

Is there a tailcap spring mod? Use regular spring for this mod. I would check your voltage in the bulb holder. Looking at my destructive tests page, you may need a bit of resistance in your setup. It's always possible that some tolerance quality change was made by Osram....but more likely related to your setup.
Re: mag625 instaflash

Yes it has a soldered tailspring as well as low resistance mods on the switch so I guess that's the reason. I think this setup is a little too close to the limit for comfort. AWR recommends a hotdriver set to 12.5V.
Re: mag625 instaflash

You might be OK with just putting in a stock tailspring. Check the voltage in the bipin holes with a DMM. If it won't fit, make two legs from a paper clip and touch DMM probes to those. Having a HD would be ideal solution.
Re: mag625 instaflash

It's OK, I've decided to go with a different build now but thanks.
Re: mag625 instaflash

The new build is 15.6V pack with Osram 64440irc as LOLA and 64623 as HOLA. I'm haven't got the 64623 yet but I'm hoping that it won't also instaflash.

One thing I've noticed with the irc bulb is that it becomes slightly cloudy, and on closer inspection, the coating on the bulb looks like its cracking. I can also see very small specks of what looks like irc coating inside the head. It's a very minor issue and the output is still very bright but I'm just wondering if this is in fact the irc coating and the efficiency is reduced as a result.

Could it be that the bulb gets too hot on 15.6v and damages the irc dichroic coating?
64623 on 15.6 Nimh ( 2/3rd Elite 1400) will definatley instaflash the 64623.

But after rested for 3 or so hours its bright.
I hoping it won't still blow after the rest. Knowing my luck it probably will. I've ordered a lot of 64623 bulbs just in case.

I don't really like the idea of having to rest the battery after use so I'm hoping that AW will release the regulated version of his Mag D incan driver sometime soon.