Magcharger Beam Question


Newly Enlightened
Aug 9, 2008
My old (20+ years) Magcharger has a really odd shaped beam/center spot to it. It has dark spots in it and is very oval or elongated, regardless of how it is adjusted. My Stinger and Strion have nice round center spots, as do my Surefires. Is there something likely wrong with the bulb or reflector in my Magcharger that I should look at fixing or is this just characteristic of its design. I just started noticing it when I got more "into" LED flashlghts a few months back, don't really recall how long its been that way. Even though its large, I still use the Magcharger with regularity.
I tried fixing this problem with one of my magchargers, i pulled the reflector out and took it to my sandblaster with glass media and tore it up pretty good.. then spin-polished it at about 30,000 RPM on a die grinder.

Overall it really cleaned up the beam but i deffenetly lost some output due to the orangepeel effect. I plan on polishing it up some more to see if it improves. I can get beamshots tomorrow if you'd like.
I did just change out a dead bulb not to long ago, put in a Mag OEM replacement I had in my locker as a spare for years. It is not frosted. Is there a newer/better bulb version? The whole blasting/polishing the reflector is out for me, no such tool access. I need simpler solutions like parts swap outs/upgrades. Thanks.
Get a hold of "FiveMega" about a replacement reflector for your MC. A light/medium orange peel (LOP/MOP) surface will smooth out the beams hot spot and artifacts.

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