Maglight LED SWAP is it possible?


Newly Enlightened
Apr 23, 2009
I was recently at my fathers house and I picked up his 20+ year old maglite and the first thing he said is that light is junk.

All it needs is a new lens and reflector. which I have. But I am thinking about makeing it led for him.

I could just buy him a new MAGLED, but this light is awesome!. It looks like it is 20+ years old. and it is HEAVY. There is a noticeable differance between this old one and my new one in size. (VERY FAT)

I was thinking about getting a magled and just swap the internals. I know there is a maglite dropin but when I was reading into it when I wanted one I read here that I sould stay away from the dropin one and go for the rebel.

I know there is so many things I could do with this light but I would like to keep it simple and I would have to stick with alkalines.

Thanks in advance for your help guys and girls.
Have a look around and use the search bar, loads of mag-lites have been modded with LED's.

IMO there is no point hacking up a mag LED just to try and get the internals into your old one, just get all the right parts to mod the old one, you will do better than mag lites offering of a LED flashlight if you do it yourself with proper research.
Check out for some cool (well made) drop-ins. The new one, featuring the XP-G, can put out 250+ out the front lumens on alkaline D-Cells.
If it's an older D model, a lot of the latest upgrades (like the Malkoff) may not be compatible. But something will be.

I'd definitely mod it.
Is it a 2D? 3D? The size of light (# of cells) will make a difference to what is possible cost wise. A cheap upgrade is the Mag LED drop-in, modded with an SSC P4. You can search for Mag LED mods and it should come up. I think mine is putting out around 150lm.