Maglite D cell body diameter and threading

Frank D

Newly Enlightened
Dec 4, 2008
I have an old Maglite 3D cell. I noticed a newer one had a different "look" to it and for whatever reason, tried threading the "new" head on the "old" body. Not even close. The new head wouldn't even begin to start threading on. Seems like the older one is also heavier. I put a Diamond 3W LED in it a couple years ago and have been pleased with the difference over the stock bulb. Would like to put a UCL lens on it and I think a metal reflector. Can I do that with the old body type? Sorry for the cross thread, but the clearance between the LED and the reflector is HUGE, can I use one of the offered metal reflectors with a smaller hole?

Sorry for the ramble, new to this kind of stuff.
Tx, Frank
AFAIK the really old M@glites had a bigger internal diameter to allow for the use of the ancient paper wrapped batteries (anyone remember those?) so I dare say it's quite a collectors piece now, I'm not 100% positive about the reflector/lens dimensions of that series but once you've measured them up head over to CPF's Custom & Mod B/S/T forum section and check out the machined aluminium reflectors... you may even be able to locate a glass lens in the CPFmarketplace ;)

BTW Welcome to CPF! :thumbsup:
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There is one big advantage to the older Mags with the larger ID: they will accept 4AA across battery adapters for modding purposes.
I have an old Maglite 3D cell.

...snip snip....

I put a Diamond 3W LED in it a couple years ago and have been pleased with the difference over the stock bulb. Would like to put a UCL lens on it and I think a metal reflector. Can I do that with the old body type

snip snip...

Frank, I have insalled both the diamond and the terralux leds on an old 4-D one.
BE CAREFUL....the old style uses a spring as a positive is a bit rough and marks the bulbs. On the LED drop-in it is even worst. You screw it down, the spring cathces the soft solder positive tip of the LED replacement and hampers movement. You have to press by force on the outer drp-in housing but that BREAKS the glue that hold the emitter on the outer case and the case to the PR drop-in base.
I know cos it happened to me and had to dissasemble the LED module and frankenfix it....

If you have no need to put the drop-in on and out you ran no risk anymore, What done is done.

BTW I meant for some time to place a aluinum MOP reflector of this flashlight, so I will try it today and post results tommorow...And Lens dimensions are the same

All the best, Kostas
Thanks guys. I ran across the whole "D" in the serial number thing. Of course there isn't one. Now I know. Is/are there advantages/disadvantages to a pre-2001 model?
better construction and more space inside for hotwire mods...(it accepts 4AA->1D combinations.

On the other hand almost zero compaibility with the LED conversions materials and methods. Rare to find heatsinks...

BTW Sorry I forgot tking the amg from my car...once i get the car back I will see to it..

I checked my old style mag and here is what I observed...

New mag reflector and glass fit and work ok.
The new reflector seems to have a tiny bit wider opening . it lets the terralux drop-in pass through.

But cautions is needed with the mettalic reflectors from KaiDomain. Even the wider opening ones are not wide enought fo the terralux, diamond drop-in. (though the holes requires only some removal of material).

Hope I was of help, Kostas