maglite issue


Newly Enlightened
Nov 3, 2006
Vancouver, Canada
hey guys i have a problem with my mini mag.
the batteries leaked and was stuck inside the barrel so i used a bit of vinegar and gave it a couple of wacks. the batteries reluctantly came out but barrel has marks inside now. i let the thing dry out and popped in some nihms and now it wont even light up :thumbsdow
i tried the smj led, niteize led and stock bulb and no go.
any ideas or is this light toast?

thanks !

edit- the batteries were duracell btw
The next time, if it's Duracell, Energizer or Rayovac, send it with the batteries still in it to either Maglite or the battery manufacturer. Warranty will cover it. This time, I'd consider it toast.
I agree with Empath but Duracell were good enough to refund the cost of a Mag 6D ($80 in Aus) for me on the basis of photos of destroyed batteries and flashlight
Sounds like the switch mechanism at the top is probably toast, you could get a replacement for that, or maybe there is still stuff leftover from the batteries not allowing it to make contact with the body.

You should be able to remove and clean out and test with a DMM, if you just pop off the plastic part that says "Do not remove" then the other part will pop out without the batteries.
If it's worth your time, disassemble the light and lightly clean all the electrical contacts with an abrasive like a fine steel wool, sand paper, or emery board. Use a light touch but shiny surfaces are what you want to see. Then wipe everything clean and try to see if it will work. If the tail spring was really corroded (and be sure you have cleaned the top and bottom of the spring and the inside of the tail cap) you might have to stretch it a bit to be sure the newly cleaned surfaces have enough contact. The marks on the barrel probably aren't the problem.
well today i just put some batteries/smj led in it again and turned on for a split second and stayed off. i guess ill give duracell or maglite an email.

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