Maglite Magcharger LED


Mar 29, 2017
Here is a story for you all. I keep a maglite magcharger led quick charge version in my bathroom. Well I haven't used it since I got issued a new duty light back in October. Well low and behold I go to use it and it was dead. Turns out maglite uses a lithium phosphate battery. Long story short, if you have one of these newer maglite led magchargers, I would suggest you just leave it in the charger all the time. You don't have to worry about the charger giving your battery a memory and you won't have to worry about the light being dead when you need it.
One of mine already quit working. Oh and the Briitish police have a neat holster for them.
One of mine already quit working. Oh and the Briitish police have a neat holster for them.
Weird, I got the thing to finally charge properly but apparently all of the new maglites need to stay in the charger cause the batteries will disappate over time. It's bizarre because I have old magchargers and their batteries hold a charge.

British police use maglite?
The ML150 series have parasitic drain so slightly loosening the tailcap cuts the circuit. Trouble with the ML 150 battery is no low voltage protection so it will deplete the battery beyond ability to take a charge.

Perhaps try loosening the tailcap on the MagCharger.

Turn it on, loosen the tail cap until it shuts off.
Here is a story for you all. I keep a maglite magcharger led quick charge version in my bathroom. Well I haven't used it since I got issued a new duty light back in October. Well low and behold I go to use it and it was dead. Turns out maglite uses a lithium phosphate battery. Long story short, if you have one of these newer maglite led magchargers, I would suggest you just leave it in the charger all the time. You don't have to worry about the charger giving your battery a memory and you won't have to worry about the light being dead when you need it.
Not surprised. Same thing with the original MagCharger. 16 hours of charging for one hour of use. Everyone and their grand-mother kept it on the charger unless they were actually switching on the light. Some things never change.
British police use Maglite?
For a brief period of time, back in the day, British police departments were issued 2D Maglite models (incandescent). It was a huge Win for common sense when it came to allowing them to see properly at night. But soon, certain higher-ups in the police department; along with certain politicians became worried. Basically those disgusting hoplophobes feared that officers might use their 2D lights as clubs to bash suspects over the head. No, no incidents like that ever remotely took place. But soon afterwards, common sense was killed off and buried in a shallow grave.

No more reasonably effective flashlights for British LEOs. All were confiscated, and then they were issued 2AA Mini-Mag models (incandescent) instead. Make do with that! Absolutely idiotic.

The irony.... The 2AA Mini-Mag was originally created as a Kubaton. A self-defense weapon! The 2D Maglite, never was.
For a brief period of time, back in the day, British police departments were issued 2D Maglite models (incandescent). It was a huge Win for common sense when it came to allowing them to see properly at night. But soon, certain higher-ups in the police department; along with certain politicians became worried. Basically those disgusting hoplophobes feared that officers might use their 2D lights as clubs to bash suspects over the head. No, no incidents like that ever remotely took place. But soon afterwards, common sense was killed off and buried in a shallow grave.

No more reasonably effective flashlights for British LEOs. All were confiscated, and then they were issued 2AA Mini-Mag models (incandescent) instead. Make do with that! Absolutely idiotic.

The irony.... The 2AA Mini-Mag was originally created as a Kubaton. A self-defense weapon! The 2D Maglite, never was.
Well I mean, I did once smack a burglary suspect with a magcharger back in the day when he tried to fight, they do make wonderful tools in most situations......