Maglite Mods


Newly Enlightened
Mar 1, 2006
I'm new here so please excuse me for asking anything stupid or pointless.
I have a few Mags and would like to make some mods to one or more.

I'm not looking for the brightest flashlight but I would like something that will last longer while not burning up all of the cash in my pocket.

I have a 2 "C" cell and a 3 "D" cell that I'm looking at making some changes to.

I'm even open to picking up a 2 "D" cell if it would make it easier for me.

I remember one time seeing some info from a person that was making an assembly for AA batteries in the "D" cell units. An 8 AA "D" size would even be fine for me too.

I would like to change over to rechargeable batteries too somewhere along the line.

LED's are the list also. I'm not sure how well the LED's that Mag is offering now work; so if someone would give me some input I would really appreciate it.


Welcome to the forum.

There are lots of possibilities, but you might try looking for a 6-cell battery carrier for a 2D or 3D Mag. If you put 6 AA NiMH cells in it, you can run an ROP bulb, either high or low. It will be very bright. The low bulb will save your batteries. The high bulb will require a metal reflector and a glass window, but it is a simple, effective and cheap mod.
This being the LED forum, I'll suggest an aspheric lens and a Cree emitter/SSC dropin. Insane throw that can be adjusted to crazy flood.

go to batteryjunction and get the terralux leds ..
then go to lighthound and order a glass lens ,,
i get my rechareagable batteries from thomas distributors,6000 mah c cells ...for your 3 D cell light id use 4 C cells ,,
I've recently "drop-in" modded several (i'd be embarrassed to say how many) MagLites, plus several MiniMagLites. I tried several different "drop-ins".

TerraLux is the way to go whether you want 1W, 2W, 3W, 5W, for the "big boys" (C & D), or for the MiniMagLites (AA & AAA flavors).

Stay away from the Nite-Ize C&D LED upgrade. A little better is the EverLED upgrade, but still a LONG WAY off from TerraLux in performance, viz. brightness.

However, if never ending batt-life/burn-time is what you want, and don't care that it won't be anywhere near as bright as your original incandescent MagLite, then the Nite-Ize (very inexpensive - maybe $7) & EverLED are the way to go. They won't be initially as bright, but after a few to several hours of use, they will start to be brighter than the incandescent.

The TerraLux, even when brighter than the incandescent, will still offer twice or more the burn-time as the MagLite with an incandescent. So, it's a "win-win" situation.

So, the answer as to the upgrade really depends upon what you're looking for.
I'm new here so please excuse me for asking anything stupid or pointless.
I have a few Mags and would like to make some mods to one or more.

I'm not looking for the brightest flashlight but I would like something that will last longer while not burning up all of the cash in my pocket.

I have a 2 "C" cell and a 3 "D" cell that I'm looking at making some changes to.

I'm even open to picking up a 2 "D" cell if it would make it easier for me.

I remember one time seeing some info from a person that was making an assembly for AA batteries in the "D" cell units. An 8 AA "D" size would even be fine for me too.

I would like to change over to rechargeable batteries too somewhere along the line.

LED's are the list also. I'm not sure how well the LED's that Mag is offering now work; so if someone would give me some input I would really appreciate it.


For what you're looking for; I'd recommend you an EverLED drop-in. You can run it on rechargeables or alkalines, but at the low voltages it uses I'd use alkalines. I just don't see any advantage in using rechargables unless it going to used quite a bit every day. Just put the drop-in module in your 3D maglite (it's literally a bulb replacement) with 3 D cells and you'll have a good, bright light for the occasional black out or when you need light in dark places that will last well over 12 hours. Here's a review of it by

My second recommendation would be the TerraLUX Ministar5. It's easily brighter then the EverLED and nearly half the price, but it has poor heatsinking and price conservative circuitry that doesn't help things much. Newbie has some great info on both white lighted versions. Here's the info on the innards and performance of the 3-6 and 2-3 cell modules. Very informative.

My third recommendation is Gene's drop-in. Oddly enough; it brighter than both of my other recommendations combined and is as expensive as both of them combined. While a bit on the pricey side, it has the best performance of the other two and very good battery life to boot. All in all; it a very well designed product. Here's Gene's webpage for more info. You can also search the forums for more.

My fourth and final recommendation is DIY; do it yourself. Here, the sky's the limit, but depending on what you do, it can also be the most expensive and complicated. You'll have to buy the parts and put everything together yourself or with someone else's help. Here are a few links to different projects others have taken on to give you and Idea.
ok the magled definitely has heat issue which is commonly known. but has anyone come up with a solution to transfer the heat to say the body?

what if i stuff those liquid ice pack packets in the space. it's like the size of a ketchup packet you get at a fast food restaurant. not sure if that'll make any difference.:mecry:
does the terralux make more output than the magled?

The MagLED is about 40-50 lumens.
The Terralux 6EX is about 90-100 lumens, although to get this you would need more than 3 cells in series - 6 AA in 2 x 3AA-D adapters in a 2D is an easy way to achieve this, and use any existing AA cells you already have.

With 2D/6AA you are also on the way to possible incan. upgrades too.
ok the magled definitely has heat issue which is commonly known. but has anyone come up with a solution to transfer the heat to say the body?:mecry:

A CPF member said filling the space with steel wool helped on a different flash. I have not tried it, and wonder if the Mag's plastic reflector and cam would prevent it from helping, or if it would prevent the Mag from focusing.
hey. that might be worth a try since i have some lying around somewhere. i would never know if there was a difference though..:shrug:
Radar, my friend,

I can't believe that 2 days after your first post, none of my electron-altered brethren or sisters have taken the time to be truthful with you in their replies.

A few givens:

1.) A few Mags are not nearly enough to possess to insure modding happiness. Get about a dozen more before you start. Maybe 20-30 even.

2.) You say that you are not in need of the brightest light. I've said that more than just a few times. Just like, "I'm gonna quit smoking tomorrow".
THE BRIGHTEST FLASHLIGHT is all you will soon be happy in possessing. And the day after you put together that brightest flashlight, one of the wizards that hang out here will ruin it for you by doubling the lumens.

3.) This hobby will take all of your cash, all your wife's cash and all of your kid's college cash.

But, the good news is that if you take a good look around your house and basement and garage, there is a huge amount of things just laying around that somebody on eBay will pay good money to have, like your air commpressor, any and all tools not useful for electrical stuff, bicycles, fitness gear, cameras, video game stuff, ATV's, motorcycles, lawnmowers, weedwhackers and tillers, small and large kitchen appliances, cutlery, pots and pans, most of the furniture around the house, etc. In other words, most of the stuff you use now will go unused, so get rid of it now before it gets dusty. Yep, all of it. You're going to need lots of cash.

4.) Get into the rechargeable batteries immediately. Buy all the different kinds you can find, whether or not you have a light that takes that type or not. You'll need them pretty soon. Especially Lithium, ion or polymer or whatever. And get a few different chargers. Maybe 6 or so. And some good digital multimeters so that when stuff you make starts to smoke or vibrate you can see how much you are overdriving it. Stay maybe half a volt below that level and you'll have more fun.

5.) The Mag LEDs don't work very good, so only buy 5 or 6. The good news is that a couple of dozen other companies can fix you up with a few of theirs that work better. And don't forget, new BINs come out everyday. Don't get stuck with the old technology, get new ones once a week or so.

6.) Lastly, don't thank the folks around here too often. You'll soon understand why.

Welcome to the club, Radar.

Now go box up that stuff for eBay while it's fresh on your mind. Most of the vendors here accept PayPal too, so that is convenient.
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A CPF member said filling the space with steel wool helped on a different flash. I have not tried it, and wonder if the Mag's plastic reflector and cam would prevent it from helping, or if it would prevent the Mag from focusing.

I had some steelwoool that shed fine metal particles all over the place. Make sure anything you use isn't going to cause problems.
the problem with the stuffing metal in the space is that there is no metal to transfer the heat just plastic.
the only metal which holds the led which gets really really hot is covered with the plastic cam connected to the reflector.
dont think it'll work
the problem with the stuffing metal in the space is that there is no metal to transfer the heat just plastic.
the only metal which holds the led which gets really really hot is covered with the plastic cam connected to the reflector.
dont think it'll work

Is there a such thing as heat conducting paint maybe like a metallic paint? That would be awesome as spraying it all over the plastic touching the metal would work. Really looking for a cheap solution on getting that heat away from the bulb.
Radar, my friend,

I can't believe that 2 days after your first post, none of my electron-altered brethren or sisters have taken the time to be truthful with you in their replies.

A few givens:

1.) A few Mags are not nearly enough to possess to insure modding happiness. Get about a dozen more before you start. Maybe 20-30 even.

2.) You say that you are not in need of the brightest light. I've said that more than just a few times. Just like, "I'm gonna quit smoking tomorrow".
THE BRIGHTEST FLASHLIGHT is all you will soon be happy in possessing. And the day after you put together that brightest flashlight, one of the wizards that hang out here will ruin it for you by doubling the lumens.

3.) This hobby will take all of your cash, all your wife's cash and all of your kid's college cash.

But, the good news is that if you take a good look around your house and basement and garage, there is a huge amount of things just laying around that somebody on eBay will pay good money to have, like your air commpressor, any and all tools not useful for electrical stuff, bicycles, fitness gear, cameras, video game stuff, ATV's, motorcycles, lawnmowers, weedwhackers and tillers, small and large kitchen appliances, cutlery, pots and pans, most of the furniture around the house, etc. In other words, most of the stuff you use now will go unused, so get rid of it now before it gets dusty. Yep, all of it. You're going to need lots of cash.

4.) Get into the rechargeable batteries immediately. Buy all the different kinds you can find, whether or not you have a light that takes that type or not. You'll need them pretty soon. Especially Lithium, ion or polymer or whatever. And get a few different chargers. Maybe 6 or so. And some good digital multimeters so that when stuff you make starts to smoke or vibrate you can see how much you are overdriving it. Stay maybe half a volt below that level and you'll have more fun.

5.) The Mag LEDs don't work very good, so only buy 5 or 6. The good news is that a couple of dozen other companies can fix you up with a few of theirs that work better. And don't forget, new BINs come out everyday. Don't get stuck with the old technology, get new ones once a week or so.

6.) Lastly, don't thank the folks around here too often. You'll soon understand why.

Welcome to the club, Radar.

Now go box up that stuff for eBay while it's fresh on your mind. Most of the vendors here accept PayPal too, so that is convenient.
Pyzon plus everyone else that responded!

I had forgotten all about posting that message way back when. Part of the problem is that I am used to receiving e-mail notifications from the other forums that I belong to.

I've looked some and I can't find a setting that will allow this. Am I not looking in the proper place?

Anyway I am back to figure out how I want to go about making some beginner mods to my MagLite.

Thanks for all of the ideas. Now if I can make a few mods happen I'll be on my way. When I go camping with the Scouts I'm sure I'll make them all want new/brighter flashlights too!!

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How much output depends on how much work and time you are willing to put into the light.

For the 3D, the Mag85 mod seems to be a good balance of ease and output.

9AA to 3D carrier(Anything that is around 10.8v and fits should work)
Welch Allyn 1185 bulb
Metal reflector
Glass window
G4-PR21 adapter
And the batteries

You'll get a light with over 800 lumen out the front for about 20 minutes(Depends on batteries, can be over an hour if you use 3 good Li-ion D batteries, but then you'll have to worry about popping the bulb).