I need a tailcap for a Gray C-cell maglite. For spares I believe they only offer black. Curious if there are any aftermarket options to look into. I really like the wide tailcaps somebody offered, not sure if they came in C-cell or not. I don't want a tailcap switch, just an empty cap. If it's not going to match in color, its close to my HAIII anodized light, I'd take something aftermarketey like brushed or polished aluminum. I thought I remembered seeing some sort of mag tailcaps from leef at lighthound, but I can't find em now. Figured somebody would know.
Tailcap + Mill + Overhelpful newguy = Well ventilated brand new tailcap :mecry:
Trying to fit two 18650's into a 2c without a spacer or extender. I can do it with a stock tailcap if I can find one in gray, but I'm very open to other options as well. Thanks
Tailcap + Mill + Overhelpful newguy = Well ventilated brand new tailcap :mecry:
Trying to fit two 18650's into a 2c without a spacer or extender. I can do it with a stock tailcap if I can find one in gray, but I'm very open to other options as well. Thanks