Hey I just got a maha-c9000 charger.
What does the MAH mean? is thi show much power is in the battery right now?
How can I tell how full the batteries are when I first put them in?
so right now it is saying:
997MA - is this how much I am putting in (call it 1000). so 1000 into a 2000mAh means it needs to charge for 2hrs from flat at 1000 milli. amps?
504MAH - so that means if it displays say 500mAh, it has put in 500 into a battery that can hold 2000? So when it stops, and if it keeps cycling throught the information what ever it stops at is how much power it put in then?
So a 2000mAh battery and the charger puts in say 1500ma, then the battery was abiout 1/4 full then?
I understand that the battery will never be spot on 2000mAh.
the question is MAH shouldn't that mean Mega Ampere Hours?
milli ampere hours, that is energy and is current drain multiplied with time, i.e. 2000mAh is 2000 mA in one hour or 100 mA in 20 hours
Not directly a measure of energy, but that of electrical charge. It is like the capacity (not capacitance) of the battery.