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mAh's of a XR19-C?


Oct 17, 2003
I've got meself a nice XR19-C. Now I do have some nice emiters P4's laying around and I was wondering how effective these where. So I measured them and the all did about the same. noting special there. :( :D
Then I wondered how much mAh's the XR19-C was drawing and it measured 760 mAh!
I always thought the XR19-C's did about 525 mAh? or am I mistaken?
I put in another primary, new duracel, new varta, new Surefire (how many brands does one need?!) and they all did the same 760 to 770 mAh's

I've searched the documents about the P4's xr19's even the whole forum. but to no avail. What am I missing? The emitter board on my XR19-C says a lot of super tiny letters and besides something like led - ore led+ it also says Copyright my D. McLeish and the Sandwich Shoppe :D
No, just joking. But it seems to be a GDx2? That is the standard one, isn't it?!
Anyone has an answer?
If you are measuring current draw from the battery (I suppose so because you didnÄt mention that you desoldered a wire from the LED) this is perfectly normal. You mentioned that you are using primaries, which have a voltage of 3V. The forward voltage of the LED at the drive current of 525mA (this is what the converter provides to the LED, not what the converter draws from the battery!) is usually higher than the 3V the battery can provide, so the concerter converts additional current to voltage (or vice versa, if the battery voltage is higher than the LED forward voltage). That's the converter's job. :sssh:
If you have a rechargeable 3,7V LiIon, you can repeat your measurement and you will get lower current readings due to the higher voltage of the battery.
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