It can't get here soon enough. Go A's!

This will be yet another year for me without cable TV. I will get the MLB.TV package, but thanks to the blackout rules, my only chance to actually see an A's game, will probably be a national broadcast on Fox. Last year there was one. :mecry:
AM radio FTW!!! I dont know why but I enjoy listening to games as much as watching on the tube.

I'm with you. Sitting or working outside in the Summer with the game playing on the AM is close to heaven. Evening games are even better.

Once again my Pirates will probably set new standards for losing games by one run. But I still like to find them on the AM. Maybe they'll even climb out of the gutter this season.

Go Cubbies!! And yes, listening to them on the radio is the way to go. Pat Hughes and Ron Santo are great fun to listen to.
AM radio FTW!!! I dont know why but I enjoy listening to games as much as watching on the tube.

A lot of people turn down the volume on the tube and listen on AM.

Baseball. That's like the game rounders the girls play in England only you can't throw the ball at the runner any more.

Far, far more exciting than cricket but still about 20 minutes of play, most of which is two people playing catch.

And I certainly am glad you don't know where I live....
A lot of people turn down the volume on the tube and listen on AM.

LOL, that's exactly what my dad does. As long as you're ok with hearing it before you see it due to the delay for TV which can be anywhere from 2 to 10 seconds. It takes some getting used to, but for some reasons the best announcers for local broadcast seem to be placed on the radio.
LOL, that's exactly what my dad does. As long as you're ok with hearing it before you see it due to the delay for TV which can be anywhere from 2 to 10 seconds. It takes some getting used to, but for some reasons the best announcers for local broadcast seem to be placed on the radio.

There is only one time I can stand listening to my AM announcer(s) and that's when my team is on the road. I really don't like Milo Hamilton, the main announcer for the Astros. Fortunately, he no longer goes on the road with the team. If I am in the car, he'll have to do, but I gotta get out of the car as soon as possible.

Seems he used to be very acceptable, but way too often he forgets to finish what happen in a play. So it is kinda like "High pop up, left field, Holliday still going back... .... ....Puma walks to the plate, 1 for 2 today."
I pick the team with the lowest over-all total salary each year, and become their biggest fan.

Sorry to be a downer, but that's the way I feel about the sport. I'm shocked at the number of older baseball fans I know that feel the same way.