Making a photon/fauxton reflector?


Newly Enlightened
Nov 25, 2007
Guilford Co., NC
Hey guys,

Semi-lurker here who got help choosing my Olight...

Recently I've been giving away DealExtreme 22000mcd keychain lights as gifts, and I'd like to devise a reflector device for them (not encapsulated, just around the already-exposed round lens). I know someone has done this before, but they were marketing the little lights for like $20!

So...ideas? Suggestions? Little pieces and doohickeys I can pick up at hardware stores to experiment with?

In my use of fauxtons the light is usually focused through the plastic dome out the front, very little side spill, i doubt very much that a reflecting collar around the dome will have much noticable effect, take and incan bulb, it emits light all more than 180 degrees from the light soure, which make them ideal for focusing that spill give it a shot and see what you get though:thumbsup: