Making DX cree drop-in with AA and CR123 battery capability


Jun 25, 2007
Hello, Firstly just like to say I have been cruising around CPF for a couple of years now and only just decided to sign up. This place is a second to none source of knowledge on anything flashlight. I love it. Has been helpful everytime I was interested in purchasing a new light or making a mod.:twothumbs
Hope I can offer something back later on.

Anyway...onwards. I'll keep this short and sweet.
This is what I want to make
Cree Lamp Drop-in for p60 style lights.
Regulation from 1.5v 0r 2v through to 9v.
Reason for wanting to make this; I have a SF 6P with cell extender( love the versatility of this setup). Have noticed (probably not the first) that 3 CR123 batts are almost exactly the same length as 2 AA.
I was thinking it would be great to have the option of running 2 AA, or 2cr123, or 3cr123 or other type rechargeables with the same lamp.
So easy to make a battery spacer whether its improvised or more well made. Hence the 1.5v-9v regulation.

So I was considering using the DX lamp assemblies that come minus the circuitry and cree lamp.

Has any one had experience using these?
Can anyone tell me if regulation of this sort is available, or even possible?
or would 3v-9v reg be good enough?
Does anyone see any problems with what I have outlined?
Any input at all is appreciated?
Does anyone else think this is a good idea or bad??

Thanks again, look forward to any replies.

PS. please let me know if ive broken any posting rules etc,
will be happy to delete..move...etc if i have.
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Regulation from 1.5v 0r 2v through to 9v
Buck/Boost circuit might be hard, and the 2AA batteries will probably rattle.

It's s good idea but the Buck/Boost circuit might be hard to get. I think the Surefire KL1 has a Buck/Boost circuit, I'm not sure of it's limits though.

Good Luck!
Yeah, I was thinking the boost and regulation circuit would be hard to find, but you never know, someone out there might have one...:shrug:....or know how to make....if not guess will have to figure it out.

I do know it would be easy to make a lamp specifically for AA. using1.5v-4.2v and such reg circuits. DX has them (don't know about their efficiency though).

The battery rattle is no problem whatsoever.....all ready played around with that. Local hardware store had some hose that had the right inside and outside diameter's (perfect), and tried improvising with some rolled up paper/card and that worked well too(an idea i got from CPF somewhere). No rattle whatsoever.
Currently have a WE 3.7v-13v cree in the 6pExtended and the 2AA's light it up, non regulated of course....honestly puts out a useful amount of light, maybe 25 lumens or more(not sure though).

cheers for the reply
The Micropuck could be wired to be a Buck/Boost circuit but it's range is 1-7v and not the most efficient. A Buck/Boost circuit for your range of voltage might be hard to find or make.

The Shark is a Boost circuit that will work from 2.7-20v but it's meant for multi LED driving. Imagine a 3 Cree Surefire Drop-in, that would be bright.

Cree Chart, as you can see, the LED will produce light down at a pretty low voltage, 53 lumen at the emitter with 2 fresh alkaline AA batteries:
Here's another table belonging to the Cree XR-E tests :

Once I can get my hands on Q-bins, these will to straight to Jtr1962 so he can measure the output! Thanks Jtr!
(From White LED lumen testing)
Oh and.......

Welcome to CPF!
I think that you are best served for 2AA use to use a circuit dedicated to low voltage such as the Mad Mad series. You could have one potted to an Aleph Light Engine. The NG500 might also be a nice candidate as it can regulate at 2 volts. Have your choice set up for a Cree, or Seoul P4 and you will have a nice bright light that will run and run.

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Cheers for the replies fellas.........:thumbsup:
finally some time to sit at the computer

Thank for the info..
guess ive got a bit of research and looking to do.

Well i'll definately be getting some rcr123's, but my reason for wanting AA compatability is for cheap readily available alternative for when either primaries or rechargheables are not practical........
eg..away for extended periods and no access to power for recharchables and any available primaries always too expensive.

maybe i should just get a Fenix L2DCE....but I really love my 6p.
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plus sometimes its just fun to play around..even if it ends up costing a little extra.