Malkoff available now 2:30PM PST.

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Scored three M60's that leaves 30

As luck would have I used a sick day today. I guess being sick is not always a bad thing...........................
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I remember when these were hard to get:poke:. I need to start hiding my wallet on Mondays.:tinfoil:
I remember when these were hard to get:poke:. I need to start hiding my wallet on Mondays.:tinfoil:

I knew the scarcity was almost over when they started flooding the B/S/T. Especially when they started sitting there unsold for a while.
I knew the scarcity was almost over when they started flooding the B/S/T. Especially when they started sitting there unsold for a while.

He is down to 12 now.

The thing is they usually go for $80 which is $12 in profit for the seller. It would be nice if he would offer them in the evening. As luck would have I was home today otherwise I would not have had a chance!
I'm beginning to understand their strategy. B4 when I wanted one I e-mailed them if I could just pay in advance so when it became available I would be sure to get one. They wouldn't do it. Fine, I don't need them. So meanwhile I got a Fenix T1 & a Monsterthrow 4 & a Solarforce Q5. Okay that ought to satisfy me for a while.
Then I see this thread anouncing Malkoff's are available & I rush in a panic to there site hoping they still have some. Put it on my Paypal, relieved that I finally got it, then realized HEY I wasn't planning on getting another light already. DAMN! have I got a monkey on my back! Help me, please!
Thanks for the head's up.

This post beat my email by 2.5 hours!
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