OK, I recieved with great anticipation my 2 LED Maglite upgrades from
Malkoff Devices today. I opened them up and installed them both, one on a 4 - D and the other on a 3 - D. Unfortunately, from what I can tell inddors in a dark room, I am very dissapointed. These things don't seem any brighter than the $20 LED upgrades from Maglite. Please tell me I am missing something. Please tell me they take a minute to warm up. Please tell me the throw much farther outside. Becuase from where I stand right now I feel like these were a waste of money and they will be going back. But I know that these come highly recommended here, so I must be missing something??
OK, so tonight I went outside to take one more look at the Malkoffs before sending them back. I went to a big field by my house with lightly scattered trees. I used the Maglite LED first. I shined around untill I found a tree far enough away that the Maglite LED just barely gave it light. Then I shut it off and fired up the Malkoff. I shined it at the same tree and it lit up bright. Next I picked a tree far enough away that the Maglite LED couldn't light up. Shined the same tree with the Malkoff and got lots of light on the tree. The Malkoff even seemed to outshine my Fenix TK11 (but it was a close call).
I am sorry Mr. Malkoff for my initial post.
Your LED's are most definately brighter than the Maglite LED. I guess maybe I was expecting a little much since i have become spoiled by the throws of my POB's, but for Maglites, Malkoff is the king.
The two things that threw off my initial report (to keep others from making the same mistake):
1. I was equating white light with bright. On a white ceiling or wall, the white looks brighter than the yellow, even though it is not. I guess my eyes have been trained this way over the years, who knows?
2. Look at distance. A brighter light will obviously shine further. Make sure to give the light "legs to run" so to speak and test it with plenty of room. A couple hundred feet is really not enough to really see the difference. I have to guess it is probably around 400 - 500 ft when the Maglite LED loses throw and the Malkoff really shines (so to speak).
Last question and a BIG thank you to all who tried to help me figure this out. Do you think it would be worth it to pick up a 6D maglite to try the Malkoff upgrade in? I found a store that carries them locally today for $27 and I was very tempted to pick it up and try it with the malkoff. Will 6D's make a noticable difference over the 4D version or should I just be happy with what I have. I know the 6D version is too huge to really carry around, but if it shines really bright i think it would be a fun toy.
Thanks again everyone for reading my post and offering support and solutions. :twothumbs
Malkoff Devices today. I opened them up and installed them both, one on a 4 - D and the other on a 3 - D. Unfortunately, from what I can tell inddors in a dark room, I am very dissapointed. These things don't seem any brighter than the $20 LED upgrades from Maglite. Please tell me I am missing something. Please tell me they take a minute to warm up. Please tell me the throw much farther outside. Becuase from where I stand right now I feel like these were a waste of money and they will be going back. But I know that these come highly recommended here, so I must be missing something??
OK, so tonight I went outside to take one more look at the Malkoffs before sending them back. I went to a big field by my house with lightly scattered trees. I used the Maglite LED first. I shined around untill I found a tree far enough away that the Maglite LED just barely gave it light. Then I shut it off and fired up the Malkoff. I shined it at the same tree and it lit up bright. Next I picked a tree far enough away that the Maglite LED couldn't light up. Shined the same tree with the Malkoff and got lots of light on the tree. The Malkoff even seemed to outshine my Fenix TK11 (but it was a close call).
I am sorry Mr. Malkoff for my initial post.
The two things that threw off my initial report (to keep others from making the same mistake):
1. I was equating white light with bright. On a white ceiling or wall, the white looks brighter than the yellow, even though it is not. I guess my eyes have been trained this way over the years, who knows?
2. Look at distance. A brighter light will obviously shine further. Make sure to give the light "legs to run" so to speak and test it with plenty of room. A couple hundred feet is really not enough to really see the difference. I have to guess it is probably around 400 - 500 ft when the Maglite LED loses throw and the Malkoff really shines (so to speak).
Last question and a BIG thank you to all who tried to help me figure this out. Do you think it would be worth it to pick up a 6D maglite to try the Malkoff upgrade in? I found a store that carries them locally today for $27 and I was very tempted to pick it up and try it with the malkoff. Will 6D's make a noticable difference over the 4D version or should I just be happy with what I have. I know the 6D version is too huge to really carry around, but if it shines really bright i think it would be a fun toy.
Thanks again everyone for reading my post and offering support and solutions. :twothumbs
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