Malkoff drop-in here!!!

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Oct 20, 2007
Yukon, Oklahoma
It finally came today!! Slapped it into a brand new 3D M@glight. I cutoff the reflector that came in the m@g and have both the smooth and stippled reflectors on the way. This thing blows away any of the Fenix lights I have including the P3D Cree Q5. Amazing. UCL lense on the way from Santa so I have to wait awhile to install that. Should I see a pretty big difference going to UCL vs. a brand new plastic one that came in the M@g?

Bob E.
Not unless you have unusually sensitive eyes. The UCL is clearer, and allows more light through, but its biggest benefit is it stays far more scratch-free than the stock lens.
It has a Anti-reflective coating. It supresses the reflections commonly shown in the glass. Its the same type of coating found in eyeglasses.
What's the best method to cut down the stock reflector? My drop-in came today, and I was a bit surprised to see no mention in the included literature of the proper place to trim, nor any suggestions as to the best tool to use.

Any hints appreciated.

Malkoff and P3D Q5 should have similar lumens, but the Mag will throw them better, where the P3D will have more lumens in the spill, etc.
Believe it or not (based on others here) I cut the reflector with plane ordinary scissors. I only took a little over 1/16 of an inch off at a time going in a descending circle. Just take your time, don't take to big of a bite, and you should be fine. I basically took the blade and rested it on the front part of the cut and angled the scissors slightly down and to the outside, that gave me that 1/16 of an inch cut, and great control.

Your experience may differ, initially I had the drop-in flush with the top or maybe just a bit higher....the head (reflector, ect) didn't screw down enough to even contact the o-ring. I placed it almost 1/4 of an inch down inside the body, then the head screwed down perfectly and I started watching in amazement just how good this thing is.

Bob E.
The 2-3-4 D-Cell Drop-In Module I received this afternoon appears to be manufactured entirely from aluminum, not the copper that I was expecting.

Looking carefully at the website I realize that nowhere is this product actually _described_ as containing copper, although at least one of the included user reviews noted the "HUGE copper heatsink."

The product photo certainly looks like copper, obviously different from the picture of the M60 Mod which is specifically noted to be aluminum.

I must say that I'm disappointed. So many of the CPF comments about this product I've read reference the copper materials. And while I'm sure it will be just as bright when I install it, are there compromises (or benefits, other then lighter weight) with the aluminum that I haven't seen discussed here?
I'm sorry about that. The heatsinks haven't been made of copper in quite a while. I didn't realize that comment said copper as I don't generally edit the customer comments. The heatsink now has a threaded portion for the wedge screw. The copper won't hold a thread very well and will easily strip out. The aluminum (T6) construction is actually much thicker and robust than the previous copper version. The heatsink's ability to draw away heat is not compromised in any way. The temperature at the base of the LED will not climb much above 30 degrees C. However, if you are not satisfied with your purchase for any reason, I will refund your money and apologize for the unintended misrepresentation.

I did hunt down the particular customer comment and have removed the word copper.

Thanks, Gene
I got one of the aluminum dropins some time ago. On the older website, the pictures show aluminum.
The light works fine and does not get hot in a 3D mag.
It puts out more light than anything else I own.
That is a very responsible way to handle this matter. :thumbsup:

Very responsible indeed, I will vouche for Gene on this, he stands behind his products.
I recently ordered a Mag dropin from him, he accidentally sent me a Surefire dropin (M60). I emailed him and got a swift response saying I'm sorry, just keep it and I'll send the correct one tomorrow. I think that was Friday, it came in Monday. Hows that for service, top notch in my book! Man that sucker is bright in my 9P too.
I got the Mag dropin and was oohing and ahhing about how bright it was, then I remembered the batteries were almost dead. With some fresh batteries I saw the light, the real light, OMG! I only thought it was bright before.
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Very responsible indeed, I will vouche for Gene on this, he stands behind his products.
I recently ordered a Mag dropin from him, he accidentally sent me a Surefire dropin (M60). I emailed him and got a swift response saying I'm sorry, just keep it and I'll send the correct one tomorrow. I think that was Friday, it came in Monday. Hows that for service, top notch in my book! Man that sucker is bright in my 9P too.
I got the Mag dropin and was oohing and ahhing about how bright it was, then I remembered the batteries were almost dead. With some fresh batteries I saw the light, the real light, OMG! I only thought it was bright before.

Just to add to this, I was using my Mag with his dropin last night. The light was accidently dropped from underarm(over 5 feet). It continued to keep running, I ran his light for 2 hours and no signs of heat at all :).
How much should you trim from the stock Mag reflector? I think I got a little trim happy. :confused:
I do not have any pics, but you will remove the reflector from the light and you will see the cam(the narrow\bottom part of the reflector). You will cut that so there is very little of it left. Cut half of it off, then try it and keep cutting until you reach desired length.
"I recently ordered a Mag dropin from him, he accidentally sent me a Surefire dropin (M60). I emailed him and got a swift response saying I'm sorry, just keep it and I'll send the correct one tomorrow."
What a lucky guy you are!! I'd be very pleased with such an event. :faint:
Very responsible indeed, I will vouche for Gene on this, he stands behind his products.
I recently ordered a Mag dropin from him, he accidentally sent me a Surefire dropin (M60). I emailed him and got a swift response saying I'm sorry, just keep it and I'll send the correct one tomorrow. I think that was Friday, it came in Monday. Hows that for service, top notch in my book! Man that sucker is bright in my 9P too.
Holy sh*t, I cant line up the timing where I have the cash in my account and the M60 is on sale and you get one as a bonus! I need to quit reading CPF.....
I can't take it.
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Trim the tube off the back of the reflector. Leave about 1/8 to 1/4 inch of the tube remaining on the rear of the reflector.

Thanks, Gene
It finally came today!! Slapped it into a brand new 3D M@glight. I cutoff the reflector that came in the m@g and have both the smooth and stippled reflectors on the way. This thing blows away any of the Fenix lights I have including the P3D Cree Q5. Amazing. UCL lense on the way from Santa so I have to wait awhile to install that. Should I see a pretty big difference going to UCL vs. a brand new plastic one that came in the M@g?

Bob E.

what's your secret for purchasing one? everytime i visit the website, it indicates that they are sold out. any advice on how to "snag" one?
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