Malkoff LiFePO4 Cell Size Recommendation


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 4, 2007
Hudson Valley
I will be building a light for family members to take on walks/use around the house. The resident flashoholic will use it as well. I will be using a Malkoff XP-G dropin, with 1,000mA current going to the LED. However, I am undecided as of yet on the cell size and Maglite type. My parameters have been narrowed to one of three cell sizes, and two different Maglite tube lengths. Here are the cell sizes and prices, with accompanying specs:

Option A

Form Factor: Mag 3D

Cell Size: 26650

Capacity: 3,300mAh

Price: $9 * 2 = $18


  • Cheap


  • lower capacity
  • requires 3D Mag with PVC piping
  • longer light

Option B

Form Factor: Mag 2D

Cell Size: 32600 (D size)

Capacity: 3,000mAh

Price: $15 * 2 = $30


  • Fits a 2D without additional PVC tubing— drops right in
  • shorter light


  • more costly
  • lowest capacity

Option C

Form Factor: Mag 3D

Cell Size: 32900 (long D size)

Capacity: 4,500mAh

Price: $24 * 2 = $48 :sick2:


  • highest capacity


  • most expensive
  • longer light

Right now, I am leaning towards the 32600 cell. It is the middle in terms of price, it fits in a compact 2D light (the best light is the one you've got; the light is more likely to be used if it is easy to handle), and it has better specs than the 26650 in terms of discharge.


Bearing the above facts in mind, I have two questions:

1) Subjective

Which of the above LiFePO4 cells and form factors would you choose, and why?

2) Objective

What would the runtime calculations look like for each pair of cells? Gene specs the LED as seeing 1,000mA, so, what would the runtime for each pair be?

I am looking forward to running these comparatively safer LiFe cells in everyone's favorite D size host with one of everyone's favorite dropins.


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The 3-6D Mag Dropin should pull about 600ma per hr from those battery combinations. Please be aware that the dropins will pull the batteries down below the point of no return if allowed to.
Thanks for the quick support.

With respect to the risk of running the cells too low, noted.

So, it looks like about five hours of use with the 3,000maH cells, and about seven hours of use with the 4,500maH cells.