Malkoff M60 at 12V?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 19, 2004
Northern Virginia
I want an M60 module that can run on both 2x18650 and 4x123. Thus I need it to be 12V, not 9V like now. Possible?

This is somewhat related to this thread although it discusses mostly Mag drop-in modules...

The current M60 design is rated up to 9V not 12V, you will over drive it and most likely destroy the driver circuit. You would have to ask Gene to custom build you one to take a 12V maximum voltage.

If you buy one of the current stock and try to use it as is, most likely it will go poof.

You could use 3 CR123 primaries and a dummy plug instead of a 4th battery to run it and it would work just fine.
You could use 3 CR123 primaries and a dummy plug instead of a 4th battery to run it and it would work just fine.

This would be the way I'd go to save the most money. The alternative would be to have one custom made by Gene as mentioned by MrGman and you'd be out the cost of an addt'l Malkoff + freight. I'm suspecting that you're looking for longer runtime from the Malkoff and granted, you would get more from having a buck circuit while using 4 primaries, but I don't think it would be noticeable enough (at least for me) to justify the addt'l cost. If you don't already have a CR123 dummy spacer, they're available from Lighthound on the cheap. :naughty: My .02
The current M60 design is rated up to 9V not 12V, you will over drive it and most likely destroy the driver circuit. You would have to ask Gene to custom build you one to take a 12V maximum voltage.

If you buy one of the current stock and try to use it as is, most likely it will go poof.

Yes, I am painfully aware of this. There is no such (Malkoff) module in existence right now, hence the query. I am not sure what the lower range would be, but I don't ever plan to use it on 2x123 cells so it could be higher than now. Only need it for 4x123 or 2x18650.
I wanted to get some feedback before escalating it to Gene.

I do realize there are other modules that can take up to 13V and higher but I am not sure they are superiof to Malkoff in other ways, like thermal management. Plus, the optic should be more efficient.

You could use 3 CR123 primaries and a dummy plug instead of a 4th battery to run it and it would work just fine.

Yes, I know, but I don't want to EDC such a big lite as 2x18650 with only 3x123 in it plus a dummy cell -- if I carry a 4x123 form factor, I might as well get a module that can take advantage of this additional 12V capacity.

This would be the way I'd go to save the most money. The alternative would be to have one custom made by Gene as mentioned by MrGman and you'd be out the cost of an addt'l Malkoff + freight. I'm suspecting that you're looking for longer runtime from the Malkoff and granted, you would get more from having a buck circuit while using 4 primaries, but I don't think it would be noticeable enough (at least for me) to justify the addt'l cost. If you don't already have a CR123 dummy spacer, they're available from Lighthound on the cheap. :naughty: My .02

I got a spacer from AW but don't really plan to use it.

I noticed an increase in runtime in 9P (3x123 primaries) vs. 2x123 cells.

I suppose that increase will be smaller going from 9P to 4x123 cells, but appreciated anyway.

The lite shown doesn't have a module in it, so I have to buy one anyway. I want something cool for it. (Cool as in "progressive", not the opposite of "warm" bin).
So what's wrong with carrying just another pair of 18650's as your back up battery pack. That should give you plenty of runtime???
I do carry Li-Ion backups. Sometimes 2 pairs. But I also have 123 primaries as a backup and want the flexibility to use them.
Case in point: If I travel, I don't want to bother with Li-Ions and chargers at all. Much easier to just take a set of 123s.

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