Malkoff M61L is here!


Newly Enlightened
Jun 3, 2008
All I need is for Gene to make a warm version and I'm in! Or should I wait for M61WLL? I'm sure they'll be an LL version, right? :crackup:I'm may be in for a long wait... :nana:
Thanks for the info Bright !!!

Just picked up one...5 hours on 2 CR123's !
My 9P is gonna love about LONG runtimes!

Just need some more orange cerakote MD2 hosts and it would make the perfect emergency light! maybe 2 stage ring too for low low
Man somebody buy me one! I'll pay you back next week really!
Curses! Foiled by my checking account once again.
Ah he'll make more. LOL

Just glad they are getting made.
Gotta start shopping around for a 2x18650 body!

7.5 hours on 3 CR123's
???????? on 2 18650's :)
See Gene's site for info. 300mA draw from two (fresh) CR123's (M61L). Not sure what current to the LED would be. Gene says that M61 pulls 650mA's from two CR123's, and I have measured 850mA's current draw from one 18650.

:thumbsup: Now I am just waiting for the release of M61WL. It should mean ~125 warm lumens for 5 hours...:popcorn:
I to am anxiously waiting for warm (neutral) versions of the new Malkoff drop-ins. Hopefully he'll use neutral white XP-G R4 emitter which would put output at approx 160 lumen. My Surefire with an M60WL drop in is already one of my most trusted and most usefull lights. An M61WL with its extra output may just be able to keep up in terms of throw while having much better spill.
Hopefully he'll use neutral white XP-G R4 emitter which would put output at approx 160 lumen.

I like the R4 5B1 tint myself. But then I hear R2 is supposed to be more efficient.... I really don't know LED specs that well. :shakehead A balance between a decent warm/neutral light without sacraficing too many lumens sounds good. :twothumbs

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