Am headed to Bali next week and fully intended to bring all my lights till the missus put her foot down. So the current load is probably going to be:-
Jetbeam Jet II Pro IBS
Jet III Pro ST
Akoray K106 (for the missus)
Zebralight H501 (for fishing at night)
Fenix E01 and LD01
4xAA eneloops
No chargers (should be safe right?) as i have 2 cellphone chargers and a camera battery charger to bring.
But i wanted so badly to bring the LED Lenser P14 and fenix TK20 (which would necessitate an increase in AA eneloops to 12), the WF500 and Solarforce with LF HO-9 and DX MC- drop in to test out on dark beaches too
Do you guys get this problem when travelling? Too many lights too little baggage space? Or am i just nuts
Jetbeam Jet II Pro IBS
Jet III Pro ST
Akoray K106 (for the missus)
Zebralight H501 (for fishing at night)
Fenix E01 and LD01
4xAA eneloops
No chargers (should be safe right?) as i have 2 cellphone chargers and a camera battery charger to bring.
But i wanted so badly to bring the LED Lenser P14 and fenix TK20 (which would necessitate an increase in AA eneloops to 12), the WF500 and Solarforce with LF HO-9 and DX MC- drop in to test out on dark beaches too
Do you guys get this problem when travelling? Too many lights too little baggage space? Or am i just nuts