Man, flashaholics on holiday, packing is a chore


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 5, 2007
Am headed to Bali next week and fully intended to bring all my lights till the missus put her foot down. So the current load is probably going to be:-

Jetbeam Jet II Pro IBS
Jet III Pro ST
Akoray K106 (for the missus)
Zebralight H501 (for fishing at night)
Fenix E01 and LD01

4xAA eneloops

No chargers (should be safe right?) as i have 2 cellphone chargers and a camera battery charger to bring.

But i wanted so badly to bring the LED Lenser P14 and fenix TK20 (which would necessitate an increase in AA eneloops to 12), the WF500 and Solarforce with LF HO-9 and DX MC- drop in to test out on dark beaches too :(

Do you guys get this problem when travelling? Too many lights too little baggage space? Or am i just nuts :D
well, Hyperloop . . . .

Here's yer' chance to put YOUR foot down,

about what SHE can bring along. :whistle:

Honestly, if she isn't the one LUGGING the Luggage,

then why would she even care ? :shakehead

Suggest you consider bringing along a Set of Encyclopedia's,

for a bit of light reading material.

I know what you mean! I too tend to bring too many lights, but in the end about the only light I really use is the one I use to read by and to find the loo. I've been to plenty a beach at night and the last thing you want is something to announce your arrival! You got to be stealthy to find that perfect place for you and your woman (nudge-nudge-wink-wink)!

So now i bring 3 lights; a headlight, Tikka+; a pocket EDC, Aeon; and a hand held, E2O. My wife packs an Ion and E2e. Redundancy is crucial when your out on your own. My wife likes the idea of having a reading light with her but humors me with packing the E2e.

Going camping is the worst!!!
well, Hyperloop . . . .

Here's yer' chance to put YOUR foot down,

about what SHE can bring along. :whistle:

Honestly, if she isn't the one LUGGING the Luggage,

then why would she even care ? :shakehead

Suggest you consider bringing along a Set of Encyclopedia's,

for a bit of light reading material.


:crackup: won't work man, she's lugging her OWN baggage and its SMALLER than mine hahaha.
We have a cabin that no electricity, one propane light in the living room, and very limited 12volt lighting in two rooms, so flashlights are a must.
Until this year, they have all been cheapies. I can't wait to go back now & light up the place with my recent additions.
I had one pocket in a gym bag designated to about 10 lights I would take up for everyone.

When we travel & stay in hotels, I make sure everyone has a small light by the side of their beds. Someone will get up to use the facilities in the middle of the night, so they come in handy, so as not to wake up the family turning on the big lights in the room.
I took 5 Surefires on my vacation. Part of it was spend in a cottage, the other part in a tent. With the dark nights I made sure I got out and tried them all out. I haven't invested in a large Pelican case yet so I wrapped them in heavy cloth (old place-mats). I could usually fit a few flashlights per roll and it fit well in my pack. I do have a small Pelican case that holds 24 CR123's so that helped organize my batteries. I just flip the cells over when they're spent so I can bring them home to recycle.

My most used lights was my E2E w/MN02 & F04 and an A2. The other lights were fun to play with though. Depending on where you go you might not want to bring all your lights as they could get stolen if they aren't on you at all times.
We're headed to the mountains this week for Thanksgiving and I've already been pondering what lights to take. As much as anything I'm looking forward to testing out a few new acquistions in some light pollution free territory (I live in a metropolitan area so darkness is a relative term).

And I do have legitimate needs :)thumbsup:) in that environment. We'll be in a rental house so nightime navigation is important around the house and to check on the kids; in and out and about after dark in the mountains including some bonfire time, navigating dark parking lots, etc..., some outdoor cooking on the grill always = need for light to check on food, fetching beverages in the fridge on the deck, etc...

I think I can make do with 6 lights for 3 days... maybe.
you wouldn't leave your kids at home alone would you? All my lights come with me
dude....youre going to bali. Take a few lights. and a bunch of rechargables,and a bunch of primaries, thats all you should need.

lights are your tools..:) dont bring your whole collection unless its actually a flashaholic convention...

Some people don't's tough being a flashohaulic :crackup:

The loadout is confirmed (so far)

Jet II Pro IBS
Akoray K106
Jet III Pro ST
Zebralight H501

No chargers just some spares. Only chargers going with me are for the cellphones and digital camera
why no chargers? it would save the space instead of a lot of batteries. Unless of course you are going outdoors for a while.

have fun with your trip!
why no chargers? it would save the space instead of a lot of batteries. Unless of course you are going outdoors for a while.

have fun with your trip!

doubt i would be out all hours of the night where i would need light, full moon is sorta 1/3 through my trip so its going to be pretty brightly lit barring cloudy nights.

Main EDC is going to be my Jet II and that is going up with 8 spare RCR123s, probably not going to need more than 50% at the most and at 50% output i'm getting close to an hour's runtime (based on selfbuilt's excellent review) and will have a few spare RCRs with me at all times plus the Jet III, LD01, E01, H501W and Akoray with the missus so no worries there.
I don't have a problem when I travel, as I bring my EDC light, and my usual Ti. wee.
It's always funny when I'm preparing for a trip. I'll always end up with at least twice the light I'll ever need plus batteries and a charger.

Well, back from a glorious week in Bali, didn't want to come home.

Sad to say the waterproofing on my Olympus 790sw failed and water got into the housing and at times the lens had condensation inside so lots of pictures looked pretty foggy (Note: do NOT torture test cameras, fine with lights, but not cameras). I think that i will post pics in the Cafe and provide a link here as the photos arent of beamshots or lights.

Carried the Jet II Pro IBS with me onboard with the other lights in the check in luggage. When i touched down and took the taxi to the resort, it struck me just how dimly lit Bali was at night (in the area where i was living, Kuta at night is pretty darn bright but no pics).

The resort itself was pretty dark as i checked in at close to 10pm, the Jet II provided ample light on 50%, using lower modes was not too good as there were little lamps and such strewn throughout the grounds of the resort so you needed more light.

I ended up carrying my Solarforce L2 with LF HO-9 drop in most of the time, the stainless steel bezel and vast amounts of light proved very comforting especially when there's just 2 of you walking around at night.

The Akoray K106 saw a lot of use too as the primary light, with the Solarforce standing ready in the bag. The fenix E01 on a neck lanyard hung from the shower curtain bar as we experienced 2 power outages and wanted to play it safe.

The Jet III Pro ST was nice but didnt get carried around much as i had the Solarforce with me.

THe Led Lenser P14 was awesome, on full flood it lit up the entire resort grounds and on spot it was real good too. next time i go back, definitely will get beamshots.

So at the end of it all, the lights that saw the most use:-

Akoray K106 (mode: med - max - slow strobe)
Solarforce L2 with LF HO-9
E01 in the bathroom
LD01 clipped to my tiny travel bag (used VERY occasionally)

But having a light is a definite must in Bali, the streets are dark (sometimes pitch dark) and traffic is crazy, a light alerts drivers to where you are while walking.
When I travel I grab as many batteries as I think I'll need, so I won't have to bring chargers, and I put them in McGizmos to keep them safe. :D Seems about 3 is what I usually end up burning through.