Last night I found myself wondering if there is a correlation between being a flashaholic and being a nightowl?
Well, I would say yes. People who are up working in the dark need quality lighting tools. Simply due to the progression of wanting and finding/acquiring better and better lighting instruments (flashlights, lanterns, etc.) I think those individuals would grow to have an appreciation for the better quality lighting instruments, and look into what the state of the art is, who is making them and take steps to acquire them.Last night I found myself wondering if there is a correlation between being a flashaholic and being a nightowl?
I used to work as an electrical apprentice. Always had to work in the dark, even in daytime. A commercial building with no power where you need light in every junction box, circuit breaker panel, outlet and switch box to identify wires to hook up so you don't get shocked requires a flashlight or headlight. Anyone without one slows down production and is a liability. It was nice to have an excuse to buy more lights back then. Had to give some away to coworkers (beginner apprentices) I worked with so they didn't make our group look bad.When I was buying flashlights to use in the day time, that's when I knew I was a flashaholic.