Re: Any experience with Yamaha/Honda Generators?
LitFuse said:
If I were planning on getting an inverter genset, I would most definitely be looking at the
Kipor KGE3500ti which is new to the American market. The Kipor gennys are a made in China clone of the Honda/Yamaha and seem to be very well made and *considerably* cheaper than the others. If you Google "Kipor" you will find lots of info from the RV crowd about these units. Early indications are that the Kipor units are going to give the big guys a run for their money. You can actually pick up the 1000W Kipor unit (Honda EU1000 clone) at
Harbor Freight for
$399! compared to around $625 (online) or $700 (brick and mortar store) for the Honda unit.
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DieselDave said:
How about this for a recommendation…If you live within 3 miles of the coast get the Honda or Yamaha if further inland buy the Coleman or other brand with the B&S motor. Or, split the difference and get a Non-Honda generator with a Honda motor for about half the price of the Honda.
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Thank you both (and to everyone else) for the information and advice.
Wow, that Kipor is priced very nicely. About half of what the Honda and the Yami are going for. It has just shot itself to the top of my evaluation list for purchase. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Thanks for supplying the feedback and information. I need to make a decision here soon.
The more I seem to think about it, the more I wonder how much I will use this generator for anything other than an emergency.... The ones I mentioned are 150 lbs (DRY) and won't be the easiest as far as portability. I seemed to be concerned about how loud these things are but I guess in the emergency time the noise will probably be a none issue if I can have a room with lights, have my fridge, microwave, coffee maker stay working and also maybe a portable AC, radio, and TV. Every other part of my house will get the use of flashlights/headlights etc. I don't plan to do whole house setup, I just want a safe/comfi zone of the house and the kitchen.