Matching Board & Battery Voltage...


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 1, 2007
Naoussa Greece
greetings all and let me start with wishes for a healthy and flashhappy 2008!

So I have a question on how one matches board and battery voltage according to specs....

One could say that a 2 boards iare 3V or 3.6 V at maximum, so they are combined with 2xAA and a Li-Ion one. But using a freshly charged at 3.2 volts what are the risks of harming the board? inspite specs what are the safe limits of such a board when drivven at higher than 3.6?

Also, how does one takes into consideration voltage shag under load? AT this moment I have the pdf info of the duracell and energizer CR123 in other browser windows and irespective of drain voltage drops at about 2.8V in 1-2 minutes of operation.
So If I was to use this board that has a spec maximum of 8.4V. Obvioulsy this driver is designed from 2xLi-Ions but 2.8x3=8.4 so what are the chances of frying with 3 CR123s, especially in low amperage draw?

thanx beforehand, kostas
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