i have seen other tests (not here) where people overdrove the bunny lithium cells, and they didnt even KNOW .
guess that makes you that far ahead of the game .
They were noticing that things were not going as fast , with the lithium cells vrses ni-mhy , or even alkalines at first.
they would conclude that the battery sucked, that is wasnt capable of putting out the power.
It didnt stop them, they just kept doing thier testing over and over again, so i assume the protection was doing its job, and not causing even more problems.
continue to use it when you know it is over spec and kicking in the PCT fixer thing, knowing that some heat at the PCT is going to continue to add heat to the cell?
i say no , not in the Boost curcuit , because as the voltage drops the boost curcuit tries to draw even more current, situation never improves, as long as the current is maintained.
might not be so terrible in the 3xDD type stuff where the internal battery protection will become the DD resister :thinking:
will they get away with it in flash units? probably because the spike in current doesnt last continually. Will they realise what the heating was , and why it got hot when they wouldnt let up on it? mabey some day.
will it blow up completly? well the protection is trying to prevent that. prevent the high current from overheating the cell, on the other hand all enclosed the protection fixer is still putting heat in the cell.
Have people blown up bunny lithiums in high current devices. YES. there has been at least 3, A 1cell Cell phone charger, a 2cell cell phone charger, and a toothbrush ??
will i myself screw up and try and use them where it is way over spec for them. YES, because i keep thinking they can handle it. Ugg thanks for the reminder again.