Mcclickie switch maintenance?


Jan 25, 2008
New England
OK , here is a question

Is there any type of periodic maintenenace needed for the McGizmo McClickie drop in switches? I know they are probabaly the most reliable clickies out there right now. I have read mention that some kind of "Grease" is inside the housing already.
I also know that clickie switches due to their design and current passing thru them will get carbon ? type buildup and/or corrosion over time?
I have though of occassionally shooting some De-Oxit Gold in there but wonder if that would wash out the grease already in there and result in more bad than any good?
I have also heard mention of taking them apart for repair/maintenance but they dont look easy to break down to me.
So maybe just leave it alone and someday it dies (I am thinking that would be awhile but without maintennance ...?)

I also wish they made an updated one with a wider more robust "Post" made os something other than plastic.

Any thoughts or anyone currently doing anything with their McClickies?:popcorn:
I use McClickies on all my Modamag tail switches. I have taken them apart to clean but it really doesnt seem that it is required. I use them while on duty as a Cop, so they get alot of work.

I do, however, solder the spring to the top contact to reduce resistance. I use a very sharp point soldering tip and place it on the contact near the end of the spring. Be sure to use flux and a hot iron before touching the contact. If done properly, the plastic near these parts wont melt( or at least very little). This reduces resistance and allows the switch to handle alittle more 'juice". I was told the manufacturer rates them at 2.5amps @ 9VDC. I use them in my ROP HOLAs and M@G85s with no malfucntions or failures.
Hi EvilPaul. Thanx for the info. So, they can be taken apart and reassembled? would you have a minute to describe how this is done ?
Also do you relube them periodically?

Thanx for any insights:twothumbs

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