Me,My EagleTac M2XC4 and a lighthouse!


Newly Enlightened
Dec 9, 2008
Plymouth UK
Firstly,a little explanation! I live in Plymouth,England and we have quite a famous lighthouse on Plymouth Hoe.Plymouth Hoe is the headland on the coast,only a stone's throw from The Mayflower Steps.Anyway the lighthouse used to be situated on the Eddystone Rocks around 12 or so miles out to sea in the English Channel until it's foundations became unstable and it was moved,brick-by-brick to The Hoe.It is currently celebrating it's 250th anniversary.To celebrate this it was being re-lit for around an hour or so with 24 candles.
I thought this would be a great opportunity to play around with my new Eagletac M2XC4 I bought from 7777's with the 40% off deal.Around 200 people were on The Hoe to see this event and there were some kitted out with very serious camera equipment but mostly it was locals with small compact digitals and they were not going to get anything remotely printable with their little flashes or using a long exposure causing blurry images.I have quite a good camera,a Panasonic FZ28,but forgot a tripod so my images are not that great either! Also,taking portrait images one handed in the dark whilst also holding the EagleTac on the subject was quite tricky!

This first image is without the Eagletac just to get a rough idea of the natural light available,mostly 'sodium' based street lighting.


This image is when the local camera crew were in the tower filming a little piece for the news.I deliberately avoided the lit section as the EagleTac is very powerful and there were 24 big candles burning in there! I was around 50 metres,150 feet away and didn't want to cause an accident.It's a good job I didn't bring my Maxabeam lol!


With everyone safely out of the tower I could start lighting it up a little better!


Three images with better exposure.I had the camera on auto and the intense hotspot made the camera under expose everything else.The EagleTac has a very bright and usable flood area considering this is the 'throw' version.




Finally,a shot as I was walking away around 100 metres/300 feet plus and with more ambient lighting but the EagleTac still cut through the air brilliantly!


OK,not the best images I've ever taken but they give a good idea of what this flashlight can do.I am extremely impressed with it and how small it is for what light it produces.The photos do not show half of the total light this flashlight emits.
The reactions from the crowd were great as well and what most of us 'Flashaholics' dream of! I was a little self conscious at first because a lot of people were staring at the immense amount of light that appeared to be 'blazing' from the sleeve of my jacket lol! The shortness of this flashlight makes onlookers question what it is more than say a light with the traditional 'Maglite' form factor would.There were quite a few 'Wows' and 'Whoas' and one woman who said 'Look,they've shone a spotlight on it so we can get better photos!' Needless to say when I did light it on 'turbo',flash bulbs went berserk around me,it was great!
Like a lot of members here I do have an 'unnecessary' amount of flashlights but when you have a night like this it seems worth it!


Picsaway image links not showing!?
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