Medium & Low modes for Deree DBS XPG?


Nov 2, 2009
I haven't been able to find much info on this light and was curious about the Medium and Low modes on the 3SM version of the DBS V3 XPG RG (sorry for all the abbreviations - I wouldn't have followed any of that 2 mos ago!).

Any one know run times and lumen output on low?

I'm looking to replace my lost Eagletac T20C2 mkII flashlight as an all around light. I loved the efficiency and super long run times it had on the medium and lower modes but if I could change anything I'd want some more throw. I don't want a pencil beam like the R2 version had though...

Any comments on the Quark 123*2 turbo welcome as well ... I'm curioius how that throws compared to the Eagletac - it it can outthrow it...

Dereelight doesn't give Lumen, but they say on their website that the diver does 100% - 50% - 5%

That means, if you have 300 Lumen at the 100%, you should have 150 Lumen on Medium and 15 Lumen on Low while the runtime should be doule on medium and multiplied by 20 on Low.

There's only one point where I'm not sure : Is my assumption correct that the driver actually draws 50% and 5%, which would mean that to cut the outpulf by half you have to cut input by half? Probably not, but id Dereelight correct in speaking of output or do they actually mean input?

Best if if the manufacturer gives the current for the different levels, than you know what to expect in terms of runtime (but not for the output)...
Dereelight doesn't give Lumen, but they say on their website that the diver does 100% - 50% - 5%

That means, if you have 300 Lumen at the 100%, you should have 150 Lumen on Medium and 15 Lumen on Low while the runtime should be doule on medium and multiplied by 20 on Low.

I've never been sure what they mean by those percentages... as in Medium being 50% of the lumens or 50% of the current as high. If the later, I would imagine it would be much more than 50% of the lumens as most LED's seem to get less efficient on high.. though I'm not sure :)

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