Melbourne Meet 19 Aug 07........ 9 DAYS!!!


Newly Enlightened
Apr 8, 2007
Thought Id plunge then.. Who is interested in this meeting? Please put your hands up, very up :), point your strongest light at your hand, for ease of seeing, (oh,, internet yeah..)

I have no idea of meeting location but believe it was pretty sorted from previous thread (a location at least, but Hotbeams not going, does that mean everyone aborted?)

Toys still look good, WE 24 HID, WE M300, an aspheric mag, Ill have a AW softstarter C switch with 5761 to add, for those yet to see them.. (although still minus a proper reflector or cells:( BYO mag heads to see what effect you (or I) want). Ill also bring a Lumen Factory D36 700LUMEN running off primaries in mag. If i get yesses early, ill try sort a spotty to challenge the WE HID:)

So whats happening? Anyone a go? Any lasers to be there? Do people want a date change.... My computer /cpf system isnt letting me in everytime, so if you are suffering same fate, write what you can when you can or contact me direct please:) I dont seem to be able to contact others.

Could be the 'lightest' showing at a meet yet,, expecially if its just me.. Im getting keen on launching a model rocket.. I dont know whether a night launch is a good thing though, never tried.. With lots CP on hand, maybe tracking could be done..

chip in guys/gals.. :poke:dont just :popcorn::laughing:... seeyas
Awesome Norm, that makes 1+1= :thinking: =2 so far.. Ok.. Plust those from other thread. Is it worth pm-ing the others from the last meet? Is that considered rude or cool cpf manners?

Other things, was there a meet location setup already?
Can you or others suggest the place?
Is the walk thing happening, or is it a get together where we just stand around holding our torches and laugh:laughing: :candle::laughing::candle::candle::laughing:Im good either way, :caution:health dependant.

Any lasers coming along? My uncle is thinking about buying a greenie, but is newbie, so would love to see a laser in use.. If he joins, ill make sure he brings his Eveready Dolphin to contribute:party:,,,oh wait, he just bought a G&P X12.. (Note it isnt compatible with Lumen Factory, head size difference, unless its a rippoff)..

What would attenders prefer to see, a Burst only Maglite MR16 10Deg 35 pushed to 60+W Osram, or a magplastic 3854/3 Low? I kind of dont have a non melting solution at the moment..

Can anyone (Norm so far) bring a range of metal reflector finishes for mag, to try with 5761 or ROPs etc?
*hand goes up*
I'm in!
Not sure about the PM procedure, go for it :D
The meeting place was set Westerfolds Park in Templestowe
The last place (wattle park) was pretty good but we talked about having a walk round Westerfolds.
I might have to order another light to bring along :twothumbs
If you want Greenie Lasers to see, get Andyz into it, he brought some really nice lasers along last time.
Thanks aerosimon for the heads up!

I should be OK for the meet next Sunday night, provided my wife doesn't want to go for the day trip to Mt Buller on Sunday.

I'm OK for any location as long as its within reason... I'm in South Eastern surburbs.

Sorry I don't have any ultra bright lights to show... but you guys can always use my standard lights as a benchmark for your retina scorchers!:D
NO probs:) Wasnt sure if it was the thing to do, but it looks like it:) Iv just placed a redirect sign to some others interested in the old post to make this 'the' post. As for your lack of fire-power, none of my toys/test units, and be used for much time between breaks, as im all plastic reflectored etc so far..

Im questioning if it was originally SUNDAY or SATURDAY???.. Ummmm,, HELP..

Another question IF ANYONE KNOWS, i just deleted all my sent items, clearing pm box to send msgs.. Any way of getting the stuff? or is it just gone.. I ticked certain boxes, and it did ask me do you want it 'all' gone,, I said yes... hmmmm. any comments? (apart from 'u idiot')
I reckon SATURDAY, 18th August would be preferable. About a 2 hour meet would be about right, meeting at 6pm just before it gets dark. What about Studley Park Boathouse? There's that walk bridge over the Yarra river.

Sunday night would be less suitable because on monday most of us will be starting work in the morning.:sigh:
Hi Fusion

I agree about saturday with sunday being a day before work etc.. Also think it may just have been a calender error. After pming all the last post users/attendees, there is chance for more showers if it is saturday too:) Well, Ill await the replies or surprise arrival in this thread... So hopefully by tommorrow we'll have a better idea of whats up:) Ill check in sometime after 6pm, I dont want to just say yep, its saturday, and then the people who were confirmed for weeks on sunday, cant go...That would not be :thumbsup:

Quokked, I believe you are on way to what most who attended last time were thinking would be good for the next event. Saying that, I am reserving my opinion until tommorrow because id like max attendance and some are travelling far and were i believe already planning on that next meet place being the determining factor etc etc. I also think its sound logic that experience provides the best guide for choosing better next time.... Ill reserve my opinion about location:)

But for now, let the good posts roll and we'll see what occurs tommorrow night.. Get ready to:party:, oh sorry, i mean :candle::candle:
I'm off, to look up that boathouse in the UBD
finally, no screen:)
Add koala + another long time member. He should post here anytime now...
A "shower or two" is better than "a few showers" I guess... :D Will have much fun shining through the raindrops.
At this time of year is for our water storage catchment to recover so don't expect any sunshine.

Tuesday[/B]       Fog then fine.           Min  5    Max 15
[B]Wednesday [/B]    Fine.                    Min  5    Max 17
[B]Thursday  [/B]    Showers.                 Min  9    Max 16
[B]Friday    [/B]    A few showers.           Min  5    Max 13
[B]Saturday  [/B]    A few showers.           Min  6    Max 13
[B]Sunday    [/B]    Shower or two.           Min  6    Max 14
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HI guys, good to see this is happening along:)

OK, its confirmed. SATURDAY OR SUNDAY are BOTH Good:) So its a matter of choosing. Nice throwing the weather chart in there koala:thumbsup:

Just to clarify, i tried to make it turn into saturday if okay by the initial attenders, to help an unsundayable attend, but they cant make either day, so now that and other stuff is 'confirmed' its a matter of what suits best for the mob attending:candle::candle::candle::candle::candle::candle::candle::candle::candle::candle::candle:Thats my rough count including my +2:party:.. One candlman short....Picture isnt worth 6 letters and 2 colons........

The Weather forecast may get a bit more accurate as it closes in too. Go the BOM..

I think its too wet to bbq, anyone agree?

OH, lctorana, i caught you in the other post, it is now official that saturday is also a possible go:) Looks like thats fine for you?

Finally, do people wanna give up a bit about what they are bringing?

Oh, and Neg2LED, do I assume correctly 'ftw' is very different to 'fwiw', more like f the weather... Correct me if im wrong please:) But on the night, if there is lightning, i dare you to hold up my mag 6C and declare FTW!!:twak: Action Reactin... All in one..
Sorry so late tonight, had company, but Im gone in need of sleep......
chat soon
I dont have a huge collection but have added two new toys since the last meet, they are my Mag tri seoul mod and the Jetbeam Laser.
Saturday or Sunday are both OK for me.

I will bring:
  • Standard K2 LED
  • my "Roar of the Big Jim"
  • Standard Big Jim
  • modded hotwire Dolphin
  • "5million candlepower" halogen
  • Aspheric 6D Maglite
  • a few antique collectibles
  • a mate
  • 2 pizzas
By the way, and this is just my opinion, I think we need to be rather discreet with the green lasers on the night. Some idiot shone one into the eyes of a couple of players at the Richmond-Collingwood game on Friday night at the MCG, so the things have a bit of bad press in Melbourne at the minute. I would recommend leaving them home just this once, if you can bear to.
Hi everyone,

Thanks for the pm aerosimon, but I'm afraid I won't be able to make it for this one. Sorry! :(

Too many other things going on in my life at the moment, so I'm afraid my flashaholism has subsided a little....just a little. :p (I've just recently received my Fenix P3d P100 Rebel. hehe)

But thanks anyway, great to see you guys putting in the effort to meet up! :)
Have a great time!
Saturday night?


How dark does the Studley Park area get?

Very Dark!

But if you want complete darkness and lots of open space to walk while also having a few picnic tables around to put our stuff: Jells Park entering from Waverly Road. Its also well away from the public so we won't cause any panic.
I am busy Saturday night, unfortunately.

Studley Park is a fantastic park to test out lights.

You guys sound like you're going to have a lot of fun!
If it's showers all the way this week and little sunshine we'll be chilling out.
So thick jackets and waterproof clothing is good. And your hottest burning flashlight as a hand warmer perhaps.

[B]Wednesday [/B]    Fine.                        Min  5    Max 17
[B]Thursday  [/B]    Showers.                     Min  9    Max 16
[B]Friday    [/B]    A few showers.               Min  5    Max 13
[B]Saturday  [/B]    A few showers.               Min  6    Max 13
[B]Sunday    [/B]    Shower or two.               Min  6    Max 14
[B]Monday    [/B]    Fine.                        Min  5    Max 16
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