Memorable cases of flashlight destruction


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 19, 2008
Halifax, NS
Anyone here have a flashlight get destroyed by some (hopefully accidental) means?

Here's a little one. On the weekend my father lent his mini-mag with Terralux drop-in to our neighbor to walk home. The neighbor was drunk and dropped the light in the snow bank. The next morning, while using his snow blower the neighbor ran over the mini-mag, decimating it quite nicely.:poof: Oh well, now I've got an excuse to get him something better.
With a "flashlight" not. For a better explain, when I was not a flashaholic yet, I had a incan Chinese Police. My friend ask me to lend his my light and sometime after he brought it me back with the reflector and lens completely melted! I was like... :eek: :green: :crazy: :hairpull: :banghead:

Nowadays, I baby all my lights! :p
My father was working on one of our skid steer loaders that uses metal tracks. He had a browning branded 3c pelican light that he was using to looking into the underbody and he set it down on the tracks. Forgetting about it he moved the machine and it almost cut the light in half being pinched between the tracks. It did still work though, you just couldn't put new batteries in.

I was working on another machine recently and made sure my E1B made it back into my pocket before I moved it, lol.