Flashlight Enthusiast
Ok after nearly six months of reading, researching, posting questions, and re-reading reviews, I think I've hit a major milestone.
I've got all the key lights I consider I really wanted / needed.
My main objective was to have a stable of best value / function AA and AAA lights for almost any portable lighting situation I would come across in my urban lifestyle.
So now I've got my most desired combination of AA / AAA lights taken care of, with the 2AA L2D Q5, 1AA L1D Q5, 1AA NDI, 1AA Jet-1 IBS, 1AAA L0D Q4, 1AAA LF2X, 1AA H50 Q5, 1AAA Fenix E0.
I've got a few more orders that I don't consider primary needs, like a good UV light, a couple AAA cheapo lights, some AAA E01s as gifts for family / friends.
Now that I've hit this milestone, I think my sense of urgency in acquiring new lights has slowed down quite a bit. I will now take time in reading about new lights like the LF5XT, and slowly upgrading by selling lights and then acquiring the newer / more interesting lights.
I don't know if anyone else has hit this milestone. I think the sense of urgency in getting the best lights was what drove me to spend many many hours of my free time reading obsessively here.
Now I can relax and continue to enjoy this hobby at a more leisurely pace. Yea for me!! and my wallet!!!

*if I do continue to splurge for new lights I reserve the right to come back and re-edit my post to admit my continued flashaholicism and request further psychological treatments to try to cure my condition and save my wallet. :devil:
I've got all the key lights I consider I really wanted / needed.
My main objective was to have a stable of best value / function AA and AAA lights for almost any portable lighting situation I would come across in my urban lifestyle.
So now I've got my most desired combination of AA / AAA lights taken care of, with the 2AA L2D Q5, 1AA L1D Q5, 1AA NDI, 1AA Jet-1 IBS, 1AAA L0D Q4, 1AAA LF2X, 1AA H50 Q5, 1AAA Fenix E0.
I've got a few more orders that I don't consider primary needs, like a good UV light, a couple AAA cheapo lights, some AAA E01s as gifts for family / friends.
Now that I've hit this milestone, I think my sense of urgency in acquiring new lights has slowed down quite a bit. I will now take time in reading about new lights like the LF5XT, and slowly upgrading by selling lights and then acquiring the newer / more interesting lights.
I don't know if anyone else has hit this milestone. I think the sense of urgency in getting the best lights was what drove me to spend many many hours of my free time reading obsessively here.
Now I can relax and continue to enjoy this hobby at a more leisurely pace. Yea for me!! and my wallet!!!

*if I do continue to splurge for new lights I reserve the right to come back and re-edit my post to admit my continued flashaholicism and request further psychological treatments to try to cure my condition and save my wallet. :devil: