Milestone reached - I think I've hit flashlight nirvana


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 18, 2007
Terminal 4
Ok after nearly six months of reading, researching, posting questions, and re-reading reviews, I think I've hit a major milestone.

I've got all the key lights I consider I really wanted / needed.

My main objective was to have a stable of best value / function AA and AAA lights for almost any portable lighting situation I would come across in my urban lifestyle.

So now I've got my most desired combination of AA / AAA lights taken care of, with the 2AA L2D Q5, 1AA L1D Q5, 1AA NDI, 1AA Jet-1 IBS, 1AAA L0D Q4, 1AAA LF2X, 1AA H50 Q5, 1AAA Fenix E0.

I've got a few more orders that I don't consider primary needs, like a good UV light, a couple AAA cheapo lights, some AAA E01s as gifts for family / friends.

Now that I've hit this milestone, I think my sense of urgency in acquiring new lights has slowed down quite a bit. I will now take time in reading about new lights like the LF5XT, and slowly upgrading by selling lights and then acquiring the newer / more interesting lights.

I don't know if anyone else has hit this milestone. I think the sense of urgency in getting the best lights was what drove me to spend many many hours of my free time reading obsessively here.

Now I can relax and continue to enjoy this hobby at a more leisurely pace. Yea for me!! and my wallet!!! :whistle::whistle::party::party:

*if I do continue to splurge for new lights I reserve the right to come back and re-edit my post to admit my continued flashaholicism and request further psychological treatments to try to cure my condition and save my wallet. :devil:
Ok after nearly six months of reading, researching, posting questions, and re-reading reviews, I think I've hit a major milestone.

I've got all the key lights I consider I really wanted / needed.

My main objective was to have a stable of best value / function AA and AAA lights for almost any portable lighting situation I would come across in my urban lifestyle.

So now I've got my most desired combination of AA / AAA lights taken care of, with the 2AA L2D Q5, 1AA L1D Q5, 1AA NDI, 1AA Jet-1 IBS, 1AAA L0D Q4, 1AAA LF2X, 1AA H50 Q5, 1AAA Fenix E0.

I've got a few more orders that I don't consider primary needs, like a good UV light, a couple AAA cheapo lights, some AAA E01s as gifts for family / friends.

Now that I've hit this milestone, I think my sense of urgency in acquiring new lights has slowed down quite a bit. I will now take time in reading about new lights like the LF5XT, and slowly upgrading by selling lights and then acquiring the newer / more interesting lights.

I don't know if anyone else has hit this milestone. I think the sense of urgency in getting the best lights was what drove me to spend many many hours of my free time reading obsessively here.

Now I can relax and continue to enjoy this hobby at a more leisurely pace. Yea for me!! and my wallet!!! :whistle::whistle::party::party:

*if I do continue to splurge for new lights I reserve the right to come back and re-edit my post to admit my continued flashaholicism and request further psychological treatments to try to cure my condition and save my wallet. :devil:
ive quoted you, HA! now theres no way to hide you naivete at thinking its over.....

youre missing 2xCr123A lights..:nana:

ive quoted you, HA! now theres no way to hide you naivete at thinking its over.....

youre missing 2xCr123A lights..:nana:

HA!! :devil::devil:

LOL you saw that I had the P2D (1CR123A). Truth be told, I have a Brinkmann MaxFire that is 2xCR123A. But I've used that for all of like 2 minutes. I actually took the CR123A batteries out to use as a spare for the P2D in the future should I *ever* desire to use it.

Good plan, LED-holic. Moderation will extend the enjoyment of this hobby. Sounds like your core collection has most needs covered.

Bah... now that you've gotten the cute little girly lights out of the way you an start buying the bigg'uns :devil:

There are bigger fish to catch though. Its great that you've gotten thru and can start looking at what you really need versus what you really want (and don't want).
Superthrowers, Multi Emitters, Hotwires, HIDs, Limited Production, Mods, Custom Jobs... there's plenty left out there. Welcome to Level 2.
Well, there's stil multi LED mods, LED throwers, Hotwire lights, HID light and other forms to explore, but you've got more then you need for most tasks.
Oh please...By the time we're done with you, You'll be so far in dept you will be auctioning off your house as you struggle to make payments on the loan you took out to buy that 24k gold diamond encrusted Mag you always wanted. :broke::D
As a relative lightweight flashaholic (8 months) I have all the lights I'll ever need but I'll still never have nearly enough or as many as I want.

Its a terrible addiction.
LOL all, very funny and true with the comparison to a video game, where I've passed level 1, and now have 9 more levels to pass. Yikes! :eek::devil:

You ONLY have one of each? What if you lose your favorite light?
I just had to have 2 NDI's.
Good point. There is a method to my madness. You'll notice I have 3 single AA lights and 3 AAA lights. They are for back up. My L1D is my main EDC, the NDI is secondary, and Jet-1 IBM is third backup. Same with my L0D > LF2X > E0. That way I can justify my redundant flashlight purchases. :whistle:
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You still need a thrower, DBS if you run li-ons, Tiablo if you run primaries.

then you need to start on some mag mods...:naughty:

my rop is 8 Nimhs away from completion!

Well....I would probably buy a few more lights.....but my good, common sense wife is always telling me "what you WANT and what you NEED are two different things......" have about 6 good lights for now......:grin2:
Those are good choices you have made for your objective:
"My main objective was to have a stable of best value / function AA and AAA lights "

All good lights you have there.
Just by posting this thread ... you know it's not going to be over for you. :D

I found all the lights I needed a while ago, and sold most of them to buy new ones and recycled my addiction.
That maxfire can be upgraded with a $15 P60 dropin from Dealextreme or Kaidomain. It's what I did and WOW what a difference!!
Just by posting this thread ... you know it's not going to be over for you. :D

I found all the lights I needed a while ago, and sold most of them to buy new ones and recycled my addiction.
LOL I do need a breather because I spent quite a wad of cash in a short period of time. :oops: