Military Angle Head LED Flashlight?


Jun 17, 2006
A few months back I saw where someone was making a highend anglehead led flashlight aimed at the military. It was very well made. Had different color filters and it was either 2-AA or 2-CR123. I cant remember who was making it. Anybody know anything about it? Thanks
No thats not it, this was a completely new production light. I think I saw it first at, But couldnt find anything there.
I think I know which one you are talking about. It is pretty small and is made to hang off of molle/pals webbing. I can't find it, and it is not the one in the link above... though that is a pretty unique light I am going to have to look at seriously.

I hope the little light is soon found, I want more info too!
I think the one you are looking for is made by's new for this year and best I can tell will hit the market next month. Do a CPF search for Pentagon..might come up.
The ENERGIZER is the one I was looking for, THANKS Roy. Hadnt seen the MOLLE LIGHT. I really like that too. My wallet cant take much more of this place.
The one from elektrolumens looks really cool! I may have to pick up one of those poor wallet :huh:
Campdavid said:
I think the one you are looking for is made by's new for this year and best I can tell will hit the market next month.

Thanks to whoever pointed this one out.

What a cool looking little light. Irresistably cute with decent output and runtime for a small utility light. Those half-watt Rigels are quite efficient.

Got to have one!
Strauss said:
The one from elektrolumens looks really cool! I may have to pick up one of those poor wallet :huh:

You will not be sorry. I use mine ALL the time. Great light, need to order about 5 more.