Milkyspit Labs X550 TigerLight FBOP AKA The Deputy


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 26, 2005
Leavenworth, Kansas
Got my new light from Milkyspit Labs a couple days ago. I was inspired by SilverFox's Pink Panther and I had a extra TigerLight FBOP just hanging around so after a couple calls and PM's to hash out what I wanted. My TigerLight FBOP made the trip north to Milky Labs. Here are the specs (X550 TigerLight FBOP)AKA The Deputy (that name was Scott's idea) 4 x SSC P4's USWOH, 4 IMS 20 reflectors, 550 Lumens out the front, regulated 2 -2.5 hr runtime, low battery warning light blinks every 5 seconds when battery falls below 6 volts. Well I used it over the last 2 days and I'm very impressed. Bright hot spot, excellent usable side spill with excellent throw. I took it to the golf course putting range and I was able to see the out to the 100 yard marker. I'm very impressed and pleased another home run from Milky Labs. Thanks Scott. :twothumbs. More of my money will be heading to Milky Labs soon for another project. Here are a few pics. Scott if I've forgotten anything please fell free to chime in.
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Very nice. Tigerlight definitely makes a nice host. Using the stock battery I assume?

BTW how did you manage to get a hold of Milky?
Glad you like The Deputy, James! :thumbsup:

Well, as usual I've got some photos that will have to wait until having some time to get 'em sorted and posted! :ohgeez: In the meantime, here's one, a closeup of the head...


(Yes, there's a lens on there.) :)

The light engine was unitized, potted, and fit with a bi-pin connector so it can be removed from the TigerLight easily. Given the intended mission of accompanying a LEO on his daily rounds, The Deputy was also ruggedized somewhat, via potting, reinforced wire termination points, high density silicone shock-dampening sidewalls, and footed reflectors to distribute potential drop forces around and away from the shoulders of the emitters themselves. Even the plastic frame of the IMS20 smooth reflectors was deliberate, in that it acts to dampen impact shock still further in the interest of protecting both lens and emitters from falls.

Yes, the light itself is running the stock battery pack, although it could be replaced at any time at user discretion.
I've gotten lots of "Wow that lights bright" from the guys I work with, but unfortunately I haven't gotten to use it on any customers just yet (insert evil maniacal laugh here).
:devil: Neh, heh, heh, heh, heeeh… (this is supposed to be an attempt at an evil maniacal laugh. :) )

I can see it now…

Darkness falls over Leavenworth and James is informed that an "undesirable" has fled down a dark corridor. "No problem" he says, as he grabs the "Deputy" and takes off in pursuit. He hears a noise and turns on the light. The bad guy falls down on his knees, mistaking James for St. Peter at the Pearly Gates. A look of shock comes over the bad guy as he realizes that he has just returned from the Twilight Zone…

The undesirable insists that he has "seen the light" and feels that he is now on a "mission from God," however, he is quite confused… What the heck is a "Milkyspit" he asks…?

James once again laughs and says "If you seek out the Light, you will find Milkyspit…" :) :devil:
