Mini Mag Upgrade


Newly Enlightened
Mar 23, 2008
Has anyone tried the Terra Lux Cree Led AA mini-mag upgrade yet? I got mine to day, and I must say I am impressed....this will now become my standard "pocket-belt" light at work. I have Streamlight Stingers that are nice.....but I sure like this LED better.
Yep !

Got one myself, and i LOVE it ! ! !

Really makes me "fall in love" with the Mini-Maglite all over again.


By the way, my TLE-5EX module looks just like this one:


Can someone verify if this is indeed the Cree emitter ?

Cuz' i ordered the K2-TFFT. :whistle:

Thank you for your help with identification.

Just wanna' know fer' sure.

Oh, regardless of WHAT emitter i have, i'm really HAPPY with it !


I love mine

I use it alot, it has been reliable
Definitely a Cree. The two leads per side, with one wide and one narrow? That's classic Cree design.

Don't fret, that's a fairly decent little thrower you've got there, and you can unfocus it pretty far before the beam gets too much artifacting. Also, IIRC the Crees are still more efficient than the K2, if not always as bright or well-tinted.
Thank you for the identification. :thumbsup:

Now, i've gotta' ask . . . .

What difference(s) would be present with a K2-TFFT emitter ?

Isn't that the very latest version of the TLE-5EX ?

Just curious. Certainly not complaining about my Cree unit.

BTW, mine draws about 485 mA current on Sanyo Eneloops.

Run-time is about 160 minutes, before output begins dropping.

Best of all, unlike the Mini-MagLED 2AA,

this unit does NOT have "abrupt shut-down" when batteries get low.



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