Minimag Hotwires?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 26, 2007
Well, I've been looking to hotwire my 2xAA minimag with this kit from lighthound. Unfortunately they do not have the TL3 bulbs in stock and I have been unable to find them in local stores... So I'm holding out as I have a few questions I haven't been able to answer. Hopefully yous guys can help.

I would think this will out throw my G2 P60, correct? 3.7v*2 > 3v*2 therefore it would appear to have greater lighting potential (iff all lenses and reflectors were created equal). What should I expect with that reguard?

I have a pair of Trustfire 14500's, but want to get at least 1 pair of AW 14500's (protected) and maybe a pair of unprotected (if this light will require it). Are there any other hotwire-type options out there for a 2xAA/2x14500 setup which would put the G2 to shame?
I think that the 2x 14500 / TL-3 combination is as good as it gets, about 20 minutes run time I think, anything stronger than this will give you very short run times and would be impractical. To check out the beam with some others, have a look at my sig line......
I was in the Batteries Plus in macon the other day, and they had the bulbs in there. I guess cause they carry a few Streamlight products.
voltage alone has nothing to do with power or brightness, and battery label voltage has nothing to do with voltage under a load. so your comparison is accurate by coincidence in this case. ( :) ) The TL-3 bulb is in fact about 50+% brighter than a P60. The P60 is actually about a 5V 1.2A bulb, while the TL-3 is about a 7.5V 1.2A bulb. or 6 watts vs 9 watts respectively.

You're not going to put a G2 to "shame" with something similar in size as far as output is concerned. In fact a G2 with a P61 is right up there with the brightest lights in it's size category (albeit very limited runtime).... To truly "shame" a light you need to move up in brightness by not just a few percent, but by a few magnitudes. My rule of thumb is that a decent "notch" brighter requires double the lumens. Doubling lumens won't bring shame, it will simply appear a notch brighter. To bring shame, try 5-10X as bright. I suggest a 600+ torch lumen mag modification, or a Surefire M6, or something similar, then the shame will be brought down.