Mixing brands and chargers


Jan 27, 2009
Orlando, FL
Hey guys, I have currently already have an Energizer charger for AA/AA NiMH batteries. Im about to build an ROP and was thinking of buying Sanyo Eneloops for it, but was wondering if I would have to buy Sanyos charger or if I would be ok charging them on the Energizer charger? I would use Energizer AA batteries but ive read bad things about how they dont last long and decline over time. Any suggestions are welcome. :D
The best charger out there is the Maha MH-C9000 from Thomas Distributing :twothumbs and it's on sale for $48.97 which is a lot cheaper than the $61 I paid a few months ago. I also buy all my Eneloops there (30+ and counting and also on sale for $9.97 for 4 AA's) where they also come with free plastic battery holders. Good luck. :wave:
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That does not answer my question. I am not going to buy another charger. I am asking if charging Sanyo eneloops with an energizer charger cause any kind of problems.
That does not answer my question. I am not going to buy another charger. I am asking if charging Sanyo eneloops with an energizer charger cause any kind of problems.

You will have to tell us exactly what charger you have.
Model number is in the small print that is melted into the back of the charger. I would say the majority of the Energizer chargers in existence are abusive to batteries. But not all so find that number.

If you have a toysRus near you check for a Duracell Mobile charger on closeout for $13-ish. Not the value charger, but the mobile, the model of that charger is CEF23, the package model number will have more to it indicating it has a couple batteries packed with it.

That charger charges batteries individually and has a good charging circuit. Most chargers charge in pairs, when the batteries don't match in state of dis-charge etc. it is hard on the one that reaches charge first, because it keeps going.
Separate the concept of the possibility of a brand problems, think more in terms of the fact that some chargers are awful, and some chargers are pretty reasonable, and some are pretty good, often, you can find one of each all made by the same company, and in other cases, everything a particular company makes might be junk, or great, or whatever...

If it can charge NIMH cells then it's either good or bad at it and it doesn't matter who makes it.

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