MODable 3xAAA on the back headlamps


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 7, 2004
Lost In Space
the most modable headlamps are often the ones that are not "balanced" front to back
i want to mod a Luxeon star TYPE headlamp to a cree.
i also would prefer it to be a cheap light, so if i destroy it, i have little to lose.

Does anybody know if the coast "revolution" models can be modded

what I WANT (because i already have it in a crasy mod)
1) battery must be on the back
2) prefer a top head strap, so straps can be loose, but stays on when running
3) uses a luxeon star, so i can replace with cree or seul or something
4) has some sort of levels
5) has some way to change the beam pattern

then i will change the led to a cree, and toss out the useless aaa batts for a li-poly of 2x the power at 80% of the weight.

this one looks dissasembleable? and cheaper of course
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the myo xp is sweet, does anybody know if it can be dissasembled easily?
as in , see any screws holding the plastic together?
I'm pretty sure I remember seeing something here that showed disassembly of a MYO XP... BTW ... it is 3AA instead of AAA per you specs...
but the zenix is 2AA.

the newer zenix is is easy as pie to upgrade although it has a reflector and doesn't have a collimator, or diffuser. It's also regulated FYI.

sorry... I just realized that didn't answer much.
To meet your requirements will probably mean canibalizing a few headlamps. A 3 AAA behind-the-head pack can be found on a Black Diamond Moonlight. They are pretty old news, were popular for quite some time and can probably be found for pretty cheap.

Then all you need is a good front bezel host. For adjustable beam pattern, you may be stuck modifying an incadescent. I am not willing to give up the color retention that incadescents have, so I have no expereince replacing bulbs for LEDs. I am sure you could find something pretty easily, though.

My advice on build quality, though, is to get the best host bodies you can. The cost of the body will pale comapred to the value of the guts you typically put into a headlamp and effort spent. The body is often the first thing to break. I don't like using anything but Black Diamond, PrincetonTec or Petzl, although I am sure there are others of suitable quality. I have not heard anything good about Coast and everything I have tried of theirs was overpriced junk.
The Zenix IQ is a fully regulated headlamp which uses a Luxeon star. IMHO it's very easy to mod - just remove two phillips screws and the case comes apart, desolder the star and solder on a new star.

The v1 uses a collimator, which sucks. Make sure you get the v2 with a reflector.

I have three Zenix IQs. One stock v2, one v1 modded to a SWOH with IMS17, and one v1 modded to a Cree with an IMS17.

thanks for the help everyone.
i ended up getting a head band (7$ headlight) and worked from there using parts and pieces.
i ended up with everything i wanted, the way i wanted it, the weight and size i wanted, by basically making it from scratch, its buttugly , but its function over form.

medium beam, with concentrated center
goes up and down, without click stops
lite protected 1800ma li-ion rechargable battery
switches to change levels, and simple resister junk (boost at 900ma, 450ma normal, and 100ma low)
switching on front
switching easy to find yet still somewhat resessed so it dont turn on by itself
better heat sinking
folds/wraps up really small
tripple strap, so strap pressure is low
battery on back fully balanced
recharges with my solar connect
fitted with huge tritium vial, and coated like toothpaste with glow paint
uses optics with glow inside
Cree modded
Direct drive, so when the battery starts to die, it lowers in output and runs forever, instead of ever stopping.
runs about 2 hours on boost, 8 hours (dwindling on normal) and about 24 hours on low, after the battery goes low, whatever mode your in dwindles and just keeps pluggin away.
Head doesnt reflect light back into eyes, beam very close to cyclops center eye place on head, it can sit pretty low, but also can be kicked back like a hat.

Not totally water proof, not consumer orintented, El Frankenlight

if i was going to get everything total possible that i wanted, i was going to have to mod a lot anyways.
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