Modifying a Dorcy Headlamp


Newly Enlightened
Oct 28, 2007

I am new here. And I am a complete newbie when it comes to modifying LEDs. I have a Dorcy 3 watt luxeon headlamp. It uses 3 aaa batteries. I would like it to be brighter and have longer run time. This light doesn't appear to have any regulation. What I would like is to upgrade to a Cree XR-E Q5 star. I also want to use some type of regulation, but I am not sure what I should be using. I would like to use 4 aa NiMH batteries. I saw this, but I wasn't sure if it is what I need

Pics of the dissassmebled light are below. Sorry for the bad quality, I couldn't find my camera, so I had to use my PDA. The actual light can be found here :

Any help is greatly appreciated.

This first one is the light dissassmebled.

This is the reflector, led and heat sink.

And the last one is the LED and board.
i have the same headlamp, and it doesnt look like its possible to change out the driver board without putting some sort of new switch on it. the switch is built into the existing board, so you pretty much have to keep it. it appears it has some sort of regulation, i'm not sure how good, but it has some. i just put a seoul in mine, and output went up dramatically. i still get a nice runtime out of it too. or, you can order an identical headlight with a cree, seoul, or edison led and three modes already in it from